CO-06: Why Jason Crow represents everything that's wrong with the DCCC and Establishment Democrats

Who's your real political enemy?

You guys seem very confused this year.

Maybe you'll figure that out before Nov. 2018.
You want to know who my political enemies are?

Have a look;
David and Charles Koch. Their lavish funding of libertarian think tanks, advocacy groups, university departments, and political action committees, the Koch Brothers and their brethren (including Robert Mercer, Sheldon Adelson, and the late John Olin) bought the Republican Party and turned it into a radical antigovernment force.

Not your idea of the usual suspects? These and a few others are the ones who buy everything from the Republican Party to NPR and then use them as mouthpieces for their agenda of the kind of wealth inequality and income polarization that the Kind and Queens of medieval Europe could only dream of.

The politicians of our day are largely just pawns on their chessboard. The real power lies with those who control the major corporations in the Big Four industries of pharma, oil, finance and 'defense'.

The supporters of one establishment party or the other are also tools of the money. The hyper partisans here are not the players but the PLAYED. For fools.

We don't live in a democracy anymore. Jimmy Carter himself says so publicly. These people are the oligarchs, the ones behind the repeal of healthcare, throwing millions of Americans out of health insurance just so they can steal more money in the form of tax breaks.

That's why the raucous drivel and histrionics here are so stupid; they miss the point and they're utterly ignorant of who the real enemies of the American people actually are.
You want to know who my political enemies are?

Have a look;
David and Charles Koch. Their lavish funding of libertarian think tanks, advocacy groups, university departments, and political action committees, the Koch Brothers and their brethren (including Robert Mercer, Sheldon Adelson, and the late John Olin) bought the Republican Party and turned it into a radical antigovernment force.

Not your idea of the usual suspects? These and a few others are the ones who buy everything from the Republican Party to NPR and then use them as mouthpieces for their agenda of the kind of wealth inequality and income polarization that the Kind and Queens of medieval Europe could only dream of.

The politicians of our day are largely just pawns on their chessboard. The real power lies with those who control the major corporations in the Big Four industries of pharma, oil, finance and 'defense'.

The supporters of one establishment party or the other are also tools of the money. The hyper partisans here are not the players but the PLAYED. For fools.

We don't live in a democracy anymore. Jimmy Carter himself says so publicly. These people are the oligarchs, the ones behind the repeal of healthcare, throwing millions of Americans out of health insurance just so they can steal more money in the form of tax breaks.

That's why the raucous drivel and histrionics here are so stupid; they miss the point and they're utterly ignorant of who the real enemies of the American people actually are.
Sweet copy and paste. Totally original, and definitely not boring.
you have neighbors? that must suck.
no, mine are great. i helped my white trash neighbors trap and release a muskrat the other day. the asian ones had me over for dinner and spoke in vietnamese the whole time. learned a trade from my liberal neighbor.
blow'n'go likes to come off like he's so civil but he only likes berniebros and he thinks black people don't know what their own bests interests are

as a run of the mill liberation theologist, what attracted you to libertarian Ron Paul's message for years? was it because you couldn't locate the statue of equality on equality island in new York harbor?
as a run of the mill liberation theologist, what attracted you to libertarian Ron Paul's message for years? was it because you couldn't locate the statue of equality on equality island in new York harbor?

strawmanning "liberation theology" in order to virtue signal your fellow white nationalists is so glenn beck 2010. invent something new, like a penny melting scheme or something.