CO-06: Why Jason Crow represents everything that's wrong with the DCCC and Establishment Democrats

Lol, you think she forced me in to a vegetarian diet? I gave up meat for a few reasons, mostly because I give a shit about the environment. You know, that thing you super duper liberal cats here claim to be concerned about?

I mean, I know it doesn't make as much of an impact on things like hanging out on a pot site bickering 24/7 does, but I try to do my part.

So she's not an 11 with the best head ever?
I think you are both wrong when it comes to elections decided by the EC if baseball had the equivalent of an electoral college..

The US presidential election would be like baseball if the run total ended up 10-9 but the team that scored 9 runs won because they scored four of their run total in the 5th, 7th and 8th innings. Runs scored during those innings are worth 1 1/3 points. All other innings runs are worth 1 point. So the team that scored the fewer runs had more points and won, final score: 10 points to 10.2.

good fucking lord man this isn't rocket science.

runs are votes and games are states. pennant race, presidential race.
I know a lot about local politics. People aren't going to commit political suicide by saying certain things in public.

I'm better off with them than without them. I donated money to a national candidate that privately told me she would support legalization, but would publically deny it until the vote was close enough not to have it used against her.

Politics, man. Politics! That's what it is. You need to understand how it works.
And you were dumb enough to believe that bullshit, weren't you?
Oh, OK.

But there have to be some innings with 3/5 of a run scored. The EC was created based on 3/5 of something in the mix.

I'm embarrassed by parts of the constitution.
you're embarrassed because the south was denied from counting slaves as a full vote when those same states treated and traded those same people as property?

so what exactly are you trying to say here, the south should have had the right to slave people and have a slave vote (masters vote) count towards representation in Congress?

can't have it both ways just because you have a sexy mustache.
good fucking lord man this isn't rocket science.

runs are votes and games are states. pennant race, presidential race.

why do the runs count differently in different games though?

oh yeah, that's right, slave states like the one you grew up in got cranky and demanded special rights.