Grandiosity is acting like the larger fraction of a badly out of power party means anything.
Yes there was a civil war inside the Democratic Party. Until it's resolved they aren't getting back in power. That's how the system works, for better or worse.
I'm through voting for people who don't represent me. That isn't grandiose, that's just taking a stand.
Other people can vote how they like. How is that a grandiose attitude?
65% of the people who make up the Democratic party chose Hillary are still there. And you, sitting in your 35% minority that helped throw the election for Trump and rejoice about that, say:
Lots of people on American don't know enough about politics to vote in their own best interest
This merges perfectly with the feedback I've read concerning minority's views on why they decided to vote for Hillary. Something to the effect: "another white man telling me what's best for me" and "we've been told to push our concerns on the back burner until later and later never arrives".
Fortunately, I think cooler heads will prevail than yours, tty. Not that your concerns won't be met but a coalition that incorporates the issues you advocate with more diverse ideas regarding social and economic equality.
I'm not saying Bernie's platform or Justice Democrats platform is wrong. It's incomplete. It won't be complete until the people who draw up that platform truly represent the whole of diversity in the Democratic Party.