Well-Known Member
u just blew my mind dude cook free style ye i got a soil from the organic solution dudes it was called notill soil i think u can use it straight out the bag eather way i might cut it so i can start in it but eatner way it would be awsome to have a rotation of soils i might fill up the tent next run and do a scrog
Yeah bro, you can always label your soil pots, like not just with the strain name but with the soil name, so you know what you want to do after you know how it reacts.
I love to test 2 maybe 3 soils each round, slight tweaks of each other..
say one has a new aeration I'm trying, another a new top dress, and another, a new meal or mineral (or ratio tweak)
Then during and after my run/round I see whats my favourite way. Then the other pots get amended to match the winner then it gets re ran.
Just don't forget to take notes, and or label if you're going to test more than one theory at once! Bless up @giglewigle