Jeff Sessions wants to increase asset forfeiture

“The goal here is to empower our police and prosecutors with this important tool that can be used to combat crime, particularly drug abuse,” Rosenstein said at a news briefing.

The feds consider all marijuana use "abuse"

Nah ahhhhh when they're at your house, they tell you they wish it were legal, too..just like me.:lol:
A currency transaction report (CTR) is a report that U.S. financial institutions are required to file with FinCEN for each deposit, withdrawal, exchange of currency, or other payment or transfer, by, through, or to the financial institution which involves a transaction in currency of more than $10,000.[1][2] Used in this context, currency means the coin and/or paper money of any country that is designated as legal tender by the country of issuance. Currency also includes U.S. silver certificates, U.S. notes, Federal Reserve notes, and official foreign bank notes.[3]

Because you are free!

You know, we should turn the tables on em with this shit. Trump and gang have given circumstantial evidence theyve been up to no good with Russia and what not, lets see if we can get a law enforcement agency to seize all Trump has n sell it off and stickk procedes into the government's pockets... seems fair enough

Circumstantial? I'm going to say we have a few facts now.
That's what Trump thought was going to happen. I'm glad the groveling little elf surprised him. The longer he stays on the better. He is completely feckless when it comes to obstructing the Russian investigations at this point. Trump will have to fire him now or deal with the fact that he's not going to be able to sneak a stooge in as AG.

I know I already asked, but why do you think Sessions is staying?
I know I already asked, but why do you think Sessions is staying?

He didn't resign immediately (which any normal person would have done). He also gushed about the honor of serving and how much he loved his job and indicated he wasn't planning on resigning. This was before the additional info from the Russians about meetings with Sessions came out (which may or may not be true. I'm actually more inclined to believe the Russians than Trump & his band of retards at this point).
yeh, I changed my mind about his resignation, guiliani or christy would probably come in and they would be worse. With trump and sessions feuding and sessions in trouble that handicaps him inplementing his f'd up policies.

And Session's hands are completely tied when it comes to the Russian matters.
And Session's hands are completely tied when it comes to the Russian matters.

Right but Trump wants somebody to defend him, even though that's not what the AG is supposed to do..he doesn't understand this.

It's obvi Trump wants him gone, so why is he sticking around?
Right but Trump wants somebody to defend him, even though that's not what the AG is supposed to do..he doesn't understand this.

It's obvi Trump wants him gone, so why is he sticking around?

It isn't obvious at all that rump wants him gone. He can still control him, and that works for now.

But lets assume you are right. He wants him gone. Why wouldn't he fire him?

Well, one good reason is Sessions was a long time Senator, and has many allies still in the senate. The senate is critical to trump, and he knows it. If nothing else, he needs 34 senators to vote no *if* a vote to remove him from office ever occurs. But the senate is also critical for getting shit done, which already isn't happening. At least Obama could blame the republicans. Who does trump blame? Treating sessions badly might hurt him.
It isn't obvious at all that rump wants him gone. He can still control him, and that works for now.

But lets assume you are right. He wants him gone. Why wouldn't he fire him?

Well, one good reason is Sessions was a long time Senator, and has many allies still in the senate. The senate is critical to trump, and he knows it. If nothing else, he needs 34 senators to vote no *if* a vote to remove him from office ever occurs. But the senate is also critical for getting shit done, which already isn't happening. At least Obama could blame the republicans. Who does trump blame? Treating sessions badly might hurt him.
The repubs held the 111th?
That's what I said..teller told me it was a new law and filled out the paperwork.

Trust me, I was shocked as shit. The money was from an insurance settlement nothing nefarious..but still..withdraws?

It was like 2013/2014 ish.
The idea being that if the money is already in the bank it's legit because the deposit part of the equation was obviously applied at some stage to the funds.
I was being sarcastic.
... And in point of fact, even the vast majority of those are true believers, lest they get questioned for their pack of enthusiasm for the official dogma and lose their chance at promotion.

It's the best way to create a pack of fanatics, after all!
The repubs held the 111th?

The first 2 years of the obama admin wasn't a case of grid-lock and internecine warfare; there were blue-dogs and slim majorities, and obama couldn't help negotiating against himself, but stuff was still getting done. Obamacare (a terribly conservative bill) was passed as was a lot of legislation. That all screeched to a halt once the dems lost control.

Trumply-doodle has both houses of congress yet nothing is getting passed. Lots of executive branch actions, but not a lot of legislation. And if things are this bad in 2018, they may lose the senate again.
I said it before I will say it again.

Cops actually do title searches on suspects cars. A good way to not get your car confiscated is to have it financed. Although they can still confiscate it they know it takes more work to steal it from you. If you own the vehicle and it is free of liens they will take it from you without even a second thought
I said it before I will say it again.

Cops actually do title searches on suspects cars. A good way to not get your car confiscated is to have it financed. Although they can still confiscate it they know it takes more work to steal it from you. If you own the vehicle and it is free of liens they will take it from you without even a second thought


Who buys cars anymore?