Jeff Sessions wants to increase asset forfeiture

But banking Bi-County’s proceeds has always been problematic, Jeff Hirsch says. Aside from the security risks of keeping large amounts of cash on hand, the company kept running up against reluctant banks that didn’t want to deal with the extra paperwork. In fact, in the decade before the Bi-County account was seized, the company had been shut out of three local banks who grew impatient with the Hirsches’ large cash sums. Then a CPA who does work for the company suggested that the Hirsches make smaller, more frequent deposits.

“They had no idea they were doing anything wrong,” Salzman says. “If somebody had said, hey, what you’re doing could be misconstrued, or it’s illegal, they would have stopped doing it in a heartbeat.”

Salzman adds that making numerous sub-$10,000 deposits is not illegal, unless the deposits are structured to conceal ill-gotten gains.

Since the hassles with the feds, the Hirsches have reverted to making large, reportable deposits, Jeffrey Hirsch says.

The point is that they had absolutely no proof of wrongdoing and should have presented evidence quickly or returned the money.
I'm going to have to reluctantly agree with Sky on this one...banks love piles of legit cash, LOVE it.
Total bullshit. Banks LOVE your money..that's how they make THEIR money through ..analyses fees.

Everyone knows this banking rule. It's been out there before my children were born when I worked in banking.

This guy knows. His CPA DEFINATELY's Accounting 101..they were doing something sketchy.

And the governments 'go to' is..'you're a business it's up to YOU to educate yourself in state and federal law'.

Simply put..there's no excuse.

What banking rule?
You're defending the govt? They broke no law. They were NOT prosecuted. No evidence was presented. Would you say the same thing if Trump's DoJ did this? The govt went after these people with no evidence except "suspicion", and then dragged it out, offering to settle for lesser amounts of money until they were finally forced to give up and return it all. If they had case where was it?
The Banking Secrecy Act The law that looks at you suspicious if you deposit over 10k and even more if it's 3k to 9999 because of law called structuring in which you deposit less to evade reporting.
What banking rule?
You're defending the govt? They broke no law. They were NOT prosecuted. No evidence was presented. Would you say the same thing if Trump's DoJ did this? The govt went after these people with no evidence except "suspicion", and then dragged it out, offering to settle for lesser amounts of money until they were finally forced to give up and return it all. If they had case where was it?

It's not against the law to transact less than $10k..what is against the law is manipulation of deposits to avoid the report.

Here's where he's wrong:

1. I don't buy his story regarding banks being 'bothered' in order to count his deposit in excess of $10k. It's basic bullshit.
2. His CPA KNOWS the law and advised him to make deposits under $10k.
3. Vending is a cash business. The IRS knows this.

Plus he admitted to structuring. Remember?

Hell, I withdrew 10k and they reported me. I was surprised to be honest.
It's not against the law to transact less than $10k..what is against the law is manipulation of deposits to avoid the report.

Here's where he's wrong:

1. I don't buy his story regarding banks being 'bothered' in order to count his deposit in excess of $10k. It's basic bullshit.
2. His CPA KNOWS the law and advised him to make deposits under $10k.
3. Vending is a cash business. The IRS knows this.

Plus he admitted to structuring. Remember?

Hell, I withdrew 10k and they reported me. I was surprised to be honest.
It only covers deposits.

And you withdrew 10k? Lol...
A currency transaction report (CTR) is a report that U.S. financial institutions are required to file with FinCEN for each deposit, withdrawal, exchange of currency, or other payment or transfer, by, through, or to the financial institution which involves a transaction in currency of more than $10,000.[1][2] Used in this context, currency means the coin and/or paper money of any country that is designated as legal tender by the country of issuance. Currency also includes U.S. silver certificates, U.S. notes, Federal Reserve notes, and official foreign bank notes.[3]

Because you are free!
Try telling that to the Hirsch brothers.

Federal prosecutors working under Lynch’s supervision put the brothers through a civil forfeiture nightmare. For twenty-seven years, Jeff Hirsch has distributed candy, cigarettes, and other products to convenience stores. His father was in the business before him, and Jeff’s brothers are partners in the business. The brothers work hard, sometimes eleven hour days, to make an honest living. But in May 2012, prosecutors from the Office of the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York—the office currently run by Lynch—teamed up with the IRS to seize the business’s entire bank account totaling nearly $450,000 simply because the brothers deposited cash in amounts under $10,000.

The government never alleged that this money was anything other than the lawfully earned proceeds of the brothers’ legitimate business.

why the fuck would you make a series of $9,900 deposits if you are making cash legally?

they were retarded and got caught, don't try to blame the black guy you retarded lolbertarian.
why the fuck would you make a series of $9,900 deposits if you are making cash legally?

they were retarded and got caught, don't try to blame the black guy you retarded lolbertarian.
Because apparently the bank doesn't like counting money...

They don't have machines for that or anything, nuh uh.
You know, we should turn the tables on em with this shit. Trump and gang have given circumstantial evidence theyve been up to no good with Russia and what not, lets see if we can get a law enforcement agency to seize all Trump has n sell it off and stickk procedes into the government's pockets... seems fair enough
It only covers deposits.

And you withdrew 10k? Lol...

That's what I said..teller told me it was a new law and filled out the paperwork.

Trust me, I was shocked as shit. The money was from an insurance settlement nothing nefarious..but still..withdraws?

It was like 2013/2014 ish.
I'm on record as saying the only good thing about Trump's election is the resulting resurgence of the Progressive Movement.

Well, killing the TPP was an accidentally good move too.

tDrump would reverse it if he and his handler knew it pleases many on the "left". Donnie probably thought it was something to do with toilet paper so he flushed it.... stupid fuck.
Hopefully Sessions will resign now that Trump has thrown him under the bus.

That's what Trump thought was going to happen. I'm glad the groveling little elf surprised him. The longer he stays on the better. He is completely feckless when it comes to obstructing the Russian investigations at this point. Trump will have to fire him now or deal with the fact that he's not going to be able to sneak a stooge in as AG.
That's what Trump thought was going to happen. I'm glad the groveling little elf surprised him. The longer he stays on the better. He is completely feckless when it comes to obstructing the Russian investigations at this point. Trump will have to fire him now or deal with the fact that he's not going to be able to sneak a stooge in as AG.
yeh, I changed my mind about his resignation, guiliani or christy would probably come in and they would be worse. With trump and sessions feuding and sessions in trouble that handicaps him inplementing his f'd up policies.