what's worse?

what's worse?

  • the president is a treasonous traitor enriching himself with your tax dollars

  • elected GOP leaders won't do their job and hold him accountable

  • his retarded, racist supporters don't care that the law is being trampled on

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Well-Known Member
worst than whom ??? Trump ?
Trump was a lesson for us..how easy it would be for a true authoritarian dictator to take away those thing we hold dear..freedom, choice, equalities, knowledge etc.

And they WANT to.

Now we get to see it in real time..slow and painful.

2020 can't get here quick enough.


Well-Known Member
If your excuse is that my sig takes too much bandwidth...its a couple hundred KB...

Plus I'll just copy paste it into a text file on my desktop either way ;)

Maybe there is some truth to the rumor that marijuana can damage some people's brains.
It needs to be be smaller.


Well-Known Member
You lack the ability to logic. Also, you are just now coming round to the suggestion that you should go out and start that third party. Good for you.

Why don't you accept the idea that the primaries are the best place to test berner ideology? You insist on pounding out the idea of a litmus test before a candidate may run in a Democratic primary. And insisting that I agree. I say, fine then. If you are right then their win in the Democratic primary should be easy. You want to test the idea in the general election, when we will be running against heavily funded Republicans? Daft.

Swear off PAC money without opponents doing so too? OK. Show us that people will gravitate to this by showing heavy number of wins in the primaries in 2018. I think the idea of is daft and that your candidates will get pasted by better funded campaigns. Peter DeFazio, the congressman who is running in my district has a solid record of supporting repeal of CU. I might contribute to help candidates in other states who support a more liberal platform too. What you are clambering for isn't possible until Democrats are back in power. And my representatives will be held accountable if they renig on promises to repeal CU, if they have the numbers to do so.

Every Democratic Party Caucus Senator still in office from 2014 are on record of supporting the repeal of CU. You say the vote was only a sham. I don't know how you can know this. In any case, I can't hold them to account for losing a vote that 100% of Democrats supported and 100% of Republicans opposed and the Republican won because they had the numbers to invoke filibuster. I hold Republican accountable for that.

The "logic" you use is fake. If any Democrat had voted against that legislation you'd be screaming about it. Instead you are screaming about them losing. The people on record for stopping Bernie's bill are Republicans. You don't seem to care about them.

We agree on so many areas but not exactly on how to solve them. It's your way or the highway. At least that's how I've interpreted what you are saying.

Sounds authoritarian to me.
And you lack the ability to think critically..some people are book smart to deal with their own personal shortcomings.

It doesnt help..you then become someone like Ben Carson..obtuse.


Well-Known Member
I'm not "seeking dialogue" with you. I'm correcting falsehoods that you continue to spread.

I don't care if you respond or not.
You are really sensitive about anyone critical of Bernie. I may add some hyperbole and exaggeration but not falsehoods. The cherry picking is obvious too. None of you alt-leftists have effectively defended against the strongest arguments I have made.

Bernard is a not socialist and is therefore deceptive. Your little crew is opposed to idpol. (2 premises) Therefore the constant preaching and prattle from the berniebabies that you are all more progressive than the Clinton supporters is bullshit.

Further (more facts) some of you berniebabies have expressed openly bigoted views and even celebrated Trump's election win. This Bernard faction split is directly responsible for the result of the election.

None of you have addressed those arguments, opting instead for personal attacks.


Well-Known Member
excuse me if i find it hard to believe that a "men's rights" activist who likes duct-taped open assholes, and who said that black people have a "herd like mentality", would be so eager to support equal rights for women and black people.
This, cheezy was saying the same last week.


Well-Known Member
what's worse?
  1. the president is a treasonous traitor enriching himself with your tax dollars
  2. elected GOP leaders won't do their job and hold him accountable
  3. his retarded, racist supporters don't care that the law is being trampled on
  4. The fact Politics are a sham and Presidents are selected?