what's worse?

what's worse?

  • the president is a treasonous traitor enriching himself with your tax dollars

  • elected GOP leaders won't do their job and hold him accountable

  • his retarded, racist supporters don't care that the law is being trampled on

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Well-Known Member
Personally, I think you haven't even looked at the legislation. Otherwise you'd already know the answers to these questions and wouldn't need other people to look them up for you..

You've admitted you don't know the answers to these questions, meaning you've never bothered to look them up for yourself
I already said I'm not wasting my time on a fictional bill. It's going nowhere. I don't want my legislators to waste time on it either.

I did look into the California legislation because it was getting traction. I can say that I agree with the house leader who said wasn't ready to be passed into law. There is a problem in that bill -- a 400 billion dollar healthcare cost and no means to pay for it. It wasn't a bad idea, just a bad bill.


Well-Known Member
That's why I'm fighting for universal healthcare while you're busy defending establishment Democrats who don't
Why is this bill is so great that the Democrats should take time and resources away from existing efforts to push for it? What are you doing to fight for universal healthcare? hectoring people on a RIU site? LOL.

You don't have to answer all my questions, just pick what you want to point out.

You haven't looked at this legislation. Yet you tell me my representatives are shills because they won't support it. I suspect that Bernie all by himself can't have assembled a working piece of legislation. Am I wrong? At least tell me you support the bill and by referring to the legislation, what's in it that convinced you.

I think you support it because Bernie said so.

Sounds authoritarian to me.


Well-Known Member
Bernie Sanders deflects questions on FBI bank-fraud probe, pivots to critique of health-care bill

Independent senator and his wife are under FBI investigation

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders on Tuesday dodged questions from reporters about the allegations of bank fraud that he and his wife are facing.

The senator and his wife, Jane Sanders, are facing an FBI probe into whether he used his influence to help his wife obtain a loan for the expansion of now-defunct Burlington College while she was its president. The couple recently lawyered up, according to Politico, in a sign they may be taking the case more seriously.

‘No, that’s not what I’m talking about today.’
Sen. Bernie Sanders
Sanders was approached outside the Capitol by an Associated Press reporter and Fox News producer and asked about the investigation.

He responded to the Fox News producer: “Well I’m glad that you’re interested in the fact that the Republican leadership is proposing legislation that would throw millions of Americans off of health insurance.”

It wouldn't be the first time an authoritarian leader refused to answer a direct question about corruption by pivoting to a different topic. This is what happens when people in power become overly confident in their power. It's called hubris.

At least HE'S focusing on Republican depredations instead of trying to tear the Democratic party down. In this instance.


Well-Known Member
You think I've supported universal healthcare since 2008 "because Bernie said so" in 2016?
What exactly do you support? The idea of universal healthcare? or Bernie's bill in particular. The more we talk the weaker your argument becomes.

What you sounded like at the beginning of this string:
"No Democrat ever supported universal healthcare coverage and should fall on their swords to make room for those who carry Bernie's brand on their butts."

"Of course, the idea of healthcare is something that I've always supported. Nothing specific but in general, the idea is appealing to me.
I invented the idea, you know."


Berniebabies are so naive.


Well-Known Member
What exactly do you support? The idea of universal healthcare? or Bernie's bill in particular. The more we talk the weaker your argument becomes.

What you sounded like at the beginning of this string:
"No Democrat ever supported universal healthcare coverage and should fall on their swords to make room for those who carry Bernie's brand on their butts."

"Of course, the idea of healthcare is something that I've always supported. Nothing specific but in general, the idea is appealing to me.
I invented the idea, you know."


Berniebabies are so naive.
I hate cheaters.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for not being as dumb as her...

For being the lowest turnout that means proportionally her win was even bigger, especially because it was low Democrat turnout (I kept hearing "Why bother? Shes gonna win anyway")
Say goodbye to your signature..