what's worse?

what's worse?

  • the president is a treasonous traitor enriching himself with your tax dollars

  • elected GOP leaders won't do their job and hold him accountable

  • his retarded, racist supporters don't care that the law is being trampled on

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Well-Known Member
I don't love Bernard. He had antiwar protesters arrested. They were sitting in demanding for a chance to meet him and they believed that he would be on their side. They had faith in him. Plus he is just an imperial sheep dog who fractured the dnc at the worst possible time, handing trump the election. Just my two cents.
I was under the impression that they had a 94% matching voting record. Also, there's that whole thing about him endorsing her and campaigning for months for her. I don't support either of them though. I will say this however, no Clinton supporters have harassed me with insults and jeremiads for hours the way this site's berniebabies have. It just seems absurd that a bunch of people go around acting like that and dismissing idpol outright yet spend so much time professing to be so much more progressive than everyone else.

It's sad, I might have been able to get behind him if his supporters weren't such terrible people.
Preach Reverend!


Well-Known Member
Right, based on your opinion of the consequences of the DNC leak. While at the same time blaming Sanders supporters for highlighting the content of the DNC leak..

You - "Hey guys, there's really nothing to see here, idk what everyone is fussing about..."

Me - "Hey, look at this.." :reveals content of DNC leak:

Progressives - "WTF?!"

You - "What's the big deal?? I mean, c'mon, it's just politics, right? You guys knew this is how it works... Why are you complaining?"

Progressives - "Riight, "nothing to see here", OK, bud..." :credibility dissolved: :trust diminished:

You - "You guys are just Trump supporters!!!"

Me - "ROFL"

PS. Opinions aren't quantifiable, genius. Try again. That was fun
Russia?..What's the big deal?


Well-Known Member
I was under the impression that they had a 94% matching voting record.
I highlighted some differences for you earlier in the thread. If you're not convinced I can run down some more....

Also, there's that whole thing about him endorsing her and campaigning for months for her.
The Trump effect. Bernie seemed quite concenerned about him winning.

I will say this however, no Clinton supporters have harassed me with insults and jeremiads for hours the way this site's berniebabies have.
That's because you agree with them on everything. Do you belong to the club?

You've been around here for years, and seem like a bright enough fella, so I'm sure you've noticed how buckles follows people around harassing them. He even saves old posts and creates files on people that don't think like he does. It's quite impressive (in a sad sort of way)!

It's sad, I might have been able to get behind him if his supporters weren't such terrible people.
Awe, that is sad!


Well-Known Member
To me? Seriously? How about what it is?
In an earlier post, you said this to Buck:
Yeah, Buck..Jews like you..<coffee/screen>

I read the implication as "you aren't Jewish"

First, I should ask if my interpretation was correct. If not, then what did you mean?

If so, then why would you say he's not Jewish? Buck says he is and that's enough for me.

Which is why I ask if Jews are a race -- something you have to be born to -- or if it is something a person can become.
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Well-Known Member
I highlighted some differences for you earlier in the thread. If you're not convinced I can run down some more....

The Trump effect. Bernie seemed quite concenerned about him winning.

That's because you agree with them on everything. Do you belong to the club?

You've been around here for years, and seem like a bright enough fella, so I'm sure you've noticed how buckles follows people around harassing them. He even saves old posts and creates files on people that don't think like he does. It's quite impressive (in a sad sort of way)!

Awe, that is sad!
You pointed out some minor differences in the promises he made but it didn't convince anyone but the other Bernie babies. If he was so concerned about Trump winning, maybe he should not have nurtured his little inflatable movement to fracture the opposition. He basically handed Trump the presidency. A fact that some of the berniebabies are clearly celebrating.

UB and I disagree on many things. Same thing goes for the rest of the Clinton Supporters here. They have never shown me any disrespect. I have gotten into strong disagreements with all of them at one time or another and they never ganged up and harassed the way the berniebabies have. The berniebabies have been harassing me and I have not done any insulting or anything really to warrant that. I simply criticize Bernard the shit stain. He's fucking garbage.


Well-Known Member
@UncleBuck @Unclebaldrick @SneekyNinja @londonfog @Fogdog

Is what he said true? Do you guys agree with me on everything? Have you never had disagreements with me? Is that why none of you have ever acted like berniebabies towards me?
I agree with you when I agree with what youre saying and other times I disagree when I disagree with what you say.

It's not really a very difficult flowchart to follow.

EDIT: Actually in retrospect we've had some pretty "roaring" disagreements but always just left it behind at the end.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you when I agree with what youre saying and other times I disagree when I disagree with what you say.

It's not really a very difficult flowchart to follow.
But even then, you didn't rely on personal insults and ganging up to smear me or hinder people from criticizing politicians you support. You focused on the argument and even if we got really into it you never acted like a petulant little berniebaby. So I think he's wrong.


Well-Known Member
@UncleBuck @Unclebaldrick @SneekyNinja @londonfog @Fogdog

Is what he said true? Do you guys agree with me on everything? Have you never had disagreements with me? Is that why none of you have ever acted like berniebabies towards me?
LOL. There was a classic conflict between us about a year ago when I found your pining for revolution odious. You basically a called me a fat old man who watches TV too much, then left for a while.

On the other hand, I don't see a need to find conflict with AC, we have a lot in common.

I'm coming to the opinion that berniebabies are authoritarian in the anarchist-authoritarian spectrum. Look at @Padawanbater2 's diatribes. Completely missing is any willingness to compromise or even consider anything other than his ideology. The words "have to", "must" and insults are common when discussing issues with him. I give back, so am not claiming being wounded, just pointing out that he retreats to directing rather than cooperating, which is a universal among berners. For example, the post below, just after the election.

A video was deleted. If you want that thought guide you'll have to go to his original post. I hate thought guides. Berners love 'em. They seem to me to prefer a uniformity and conformity rather than reason. Of course @abandonconflict draws their ire. He won't tow the line and has coherent counter arguments. Pokes fun at them too.

And that's another characteristic of authoritarians -- the total lack of a sense of humor when their issues are discussed. Boring. I've put one of them on ignore mostly because his posts, filled repetitive demands to conform to his ideas, petty insults and quick to anger over disagreements became repetitive and boring. Boring is the worst.


  • to too many of today's liberals, protecting 'feelings' has become more important than preserving rights
  • If liberals want to win back the white house, there are some very important things that must be done;
  • In 2018 and 2020, liberals need a 'progressive TEA-Party' that runs populist candidates modeled after Bernie Sanders that can steal primaries from establishment democrats. We have to get them out of there! This political party cannot survive if it's loaded up with corporatist shills. The democrats are supposed to be an alternative to that and right now they're not. The democratic party must become a super-organism that survives on the support of everyday people and eshoo's money from major business interests. Liberals must create and sell a bold vision of America... built around specific policies like making higher education a right to those with the academic acumen to earn it. Like making sure people are employed and that they're being fairly compensated for their work. Like protecting the interests of everyday people above the interests of mega rich multinational corporations. Like fixing our roads and bridges. Like building a national high speed rail system. Like ending our dependence on fossil fuels. Like working on ways to reduce or reverse the CO2 saturation that is harming our environment.
  • Kick SJWs to the curb. When ordinary people see liberals wasting our time arguing about pronouns, and turning racial and sexual differences into a grievance culture victim badge for every shitty little cry bully to polish with their own tears, Americans correctly reject the notion that that's what America needs. Liberals need to stop with this culture of coddling weakness and get real. We don't need a bunch of emotionally fragile screeching morons. They're an absolute drain on the liberal platform described earlier. Because according to them, creating a good economy and making sure everyone has healthcare and education is not as important as making sure no one is ever offended by anything that anyone ever says at any time.
  • If we want to win, we need tough liberals who are self assured and put forth good ideas with confidence and who are smart enough to defend those ideas in both a pragmatic and a philosophical way. Our current liberal climate of "there there, have a shoulder to cry on" needs to die, needs to go away.
  • If someone is so emotionally fragile that they psychologically implode when someone disagrees with them, they don't need a political movement to unite them all under one banner, they need mental health care to teach them how to be tolerant of people who are different.
"we need tough liberals". Well yeah, we all need to stare back and oppose shithead racists, religious bigots and other narrow minded haters. The way Pad describes it, jackboots and aggression and conformity to ideology are paramount, rather than reason and cooperation when a common cause can be identified. I also see minimization of social issues compared economic ones. Environmental issues over social issues too.

From what I read, Bernie is not all that pleased with their radicalization and unwillingness to compromise. Bernie works with people who disagree with him to find common ground. As AC points out, he tried to help heal the divide during the election but couldn't. Now, I'm even hearing complaints that Bernie isn't being enough of what Berners want and they are becoming disaffected with him. Fucking authoritarians. Hate 'em. Left or right.

That said, @st0wandgrow is not as bad as the others.
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Well-Known Member
@UncleBuck @Unclebaldrick @SneekyNinja @londonfog @Fogdog

Is what he said true? Do you guys agree with me on everything? Have you never had disagreements with me? Is that why none of you have ever acted like berniebabies towards me?
I don't agree with anyone on everything. You at least present a well thought out argument...even when you are wrong.:lol::lol: For the most part I think we agree, but on things we don't, I feel we can have a workable solution with at least agreeing to disagree


Well-Known Member
You pointed out some minor differences in the promises he made but it didn't convince anyone but the other Bernie babies. If he was so concerned about Trump winning, maybe he should not have nurtured his little inflatable movement to fracture the opposition. He basically handed Trump the presidency. A fact that some of the berniebabies are clearly celebrating.

UB and I disagree on many things. Same thing goes for the rest of the Clinton Supporters here. They have never shown me any disrespect. I have gotten into strong disagreements with all of them at one time or another and they never ganged up and harassed the way the berniebabies have. The berniebabies have been harassing me and I have not done any insulting or anything really to warrant that. I simply criticize Bernard the shit stain. He's fucking garbage.
Your posts of late are dripping with sarcasm, so I'm not taking much of what you say seriously here, but on the outside chance that you are being sincere I'll indulge you....

You pointed out some minor differences in the promises he made ...
You consider Obamacare compared to Medicare for all a minor difference? Marijuana being legal as compared to illegal a minor difference? Perpetual warfare vs a sensible foreign policy minor (abandon conflict)? We'll have to agree to disagree on that.

If he was so concerned about Trump winning, maybe he should not have nurtured his little inflatable movement to fracture the opposition.
So, no other candidates should run for office? You're happy with the two party system? Perhaps we should only have one party so then nobody will get their feelings hurt. We could just have a royal family!

UB and I disagree on many things. Same thing goes for the rest of the Clinton Supporters here. They have never shown me any disrespect.
Well geez, that settles it! No mud has been flung your way, ergo buck is just downright respectful and pleasant to all! You find me one insult that the "bernie babies" level towards someone, and I'll find you 20 from the Hillary crew. I mean, you've obviously taken sides here, but even still you can concede this point, no?


Well-Known Member
Your posts of late are dripping with sarcasm, so I'm not taking much of what you say seriously here, but on the outside chance that you are being sincere I'll indulge you....

You consider Obamacare compared to Medicare for all a minor difference? Marijuana being legal as compared to illegal a minor difference? Perpetual warfare vs a sensible foreign policy minor (abandon conflict)? We'll have to agree to disagree on that.

So, no other candidates should run for office? You're happy with the two party system? Perhaps we should only have one party so then nobody will get their feelings hurt. We could just have a royal family!

Well geez, that settles it! No mud has been flung your way, ergo buck is just downright respectful and pleasant to all! You find me one insult that the "bernie babies" level towards someone, and I'll find you 20 from the Hillary crew. I mean, you've obviously taken sides here, but even still you can concede this point, no?

Come on st0wandgrow. Anyone can see how minor their 31 differences were. Practically the same person.



Well-Known Member
@st0wandgrow , a candidate must win the party's nomination before he can run for office in the general election. Hillary Clinton beat Sanders in spite of your opposition. If you don't like the results then prepare for the next one. No do-overs.

What I hear berners say regarding the Democratic Party is that the members of the party must accept their doctrine and screen all candidates before they can even run in the primaries.

Using campaign finance laws as an example: Do all Democratic Party candidates have to swear off PAC money before the primaries? Why can't we use the primaries to resolve this issue? That would be how a democracy would do it.

edit: @travisw , Hillary beat Bernie in spite of those numbers you show. What would you have us do? Set up a litmus test that excludes everybody who doesn't meet it before they can run for the nomination?
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