Free Speech Social Media


Well-Known Member
(DELETE IF NOT ALLOWED) Has anyone else noticed the extreme amount of censorship on facebook lately i recently got permanently banned for posting memes but isis can have a recruiting page? not to mention the invasions of privacy giving your data to government databases ect... or how about them making money of other peoples videos they now put ads on videos you upload whatever end of rant.... Anywho it came to my attention that there is a lack of social media sites that promote free speech anti censorship and respect privacy so i came up with my own it's still under development there is many features yet to come but it is solely funded and operated by me there is almost 100 members already i just purchased ads and there are a few groups already started a dark meme group a writers group and a diy group looking for someone to make some cannabis/growing groups and also just more members in general also there will be a app soon to come

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That's the plan i'm slowly putting it together very painstakingly but i'm trying to encourage people to get involved rather then me make every group i want the users to feel open not herded
I'm a big believer in organic growth of media. Let the supply respond to demand.
Where you been? Is no free speech on the web's.

All these sites negate that sheet with ToS, USER agreements, and gibberish legal horse sheet.

OP's (some)of these sites can be real deekheads with ToS power complex, you speak freely on their bullsheet model and they threaten to ban/nerf you. Good luck!