Well-Known Member
your "desireable" suburbia
why are you putting desirable in quotes as if to indicate dubiousness?
the house prices literally prove that they are more desirable you simpering moron.
your "desireable" suburbia
The list of excuses is nothing if not creative.
land is no different than any other commodity. more money chasing the same land drives prices up. Australia is not somehow magically immune.People have been speaking of this massive housing bubble for years and years. Property goes up. land is a resource. Sure there are corrections in the market like any other resource but it always bouncers back to more than it was.
We can either reverse the citys population growth or make more land- otherwise its only going to go up. (on avg housing prices double every 10 years) Its a pretty safe investment if you can hold on till the growth.
you think 1%ers have maxed out credit cards, take out car loans for 7 years, 40 year mortgages?
Fuck the banks. Car manufacturers also. Should have let them all fail.
exactly. 0% loans are reserved for those surrounding the creation of new currency at the bond level....sometimes extended to the populace in a crisis.1 percenters OWN businesses for the most part. Even if they inherited piles of cash its still stupid to buy a house for cash and lose the tax deduction and with great credit you can get low and even 0 percent financing, you'd be crazy not to take advantage of that.
That is spot on.
When you buy something for cash, not only are you out your cash reserves which increases the amount you're leveraged and lowers your net worth, you wind up constantly paying taxes and you get no deduction on interest of any kind to help offset upkeep costs and taxes.
You lose coming and going.
What's more, you really can't be sure what property values and tax assessments are going to do, so it's very, very, very foolish to buy outright.
the hundred airs way is find some nice person to gift you a property then pay them on the side.
Home ownership means somebody has title to the land and property that they call home. Home + ownership. Knit your brows together and think hard you might understand. and don't get mad, I just couldn't help mocking just a little bit.your loaded term "home ownership" is just so subjective....to hedge with that would require tapping equity or outright ownership.....nlt sure where you're going with that.
True, but you're still looking at the rose in the frosting of the rotten cake...
The big Institutions are the ones that will destroy our economy again, not the little guy.
ALL the little guys put together aren't as much of a factor in the economy as just one of the 'too big to fail' banks.
They need to be broken up so they can't wreck our economy!
I didnt say we were..and my comment was for Earth not a particular land mass.land is no different than any other commodity. more money chasing the same land drives prices up. Australia is not somehow magically immune.
Yes, a lot of people are helped out by their parents to buy a home. I think it's the only way in some places. Nothing wrong with that.
Home ownership means somebody has title to the land and property that they call home. Home + ownership. Knit your brows together and think hard you might understand. and don't get mad, I just couldn't help mocking just a little bit.
You are right in that home ownership isn't a hedge in any sense used by the financial industry. A mortgage can be paid off with inflation adjusted wages. It's not the mortgage that is the hedge. The wages are. There are investment strategies using home equity as leverage to buy inflation adjusted securities as a hedge too. Not that I'm claiming to be an expert about that. Not saying zero risk either.
captains log, star date 12JUL2017.....earth is a land mass.I didnt say we were..and my comment was for Earth not a particular land mass.
You angry again today?captains log, star date 12JUL2017.....earth is a land mass.
You obviously don't know what a credit default swap is.
Remember all those 10's of millions of loans carried by 10's of thousands of banks? Those were all bundled into 10's of millions of 401k's and other investment portfolios. Then, they actually began betting against those very loans because they knew nobody would be able to pay it all off.
That is the definition of what happened. They bet against themselves. They all knew full well nobody would ever pay off all those 10's of millions of bad loans. The credit default swop was just one more way for them to make money before the bottom fell out.
You have nice friends. That's an asset too.lol I like how low key you are keeping this. sometimes it's someone who doesn't want to show an income rather than a "parent".
Maybe that's what needs to happen.
Screw it. Let them fall.
That would be a correct guess.I'm going to guess you are paid in full and sustainable, youre down for whatever. you are not figured into their scenarios.
Yeah, Cuck Crew missed you at the vigil other night.
You're preaching to the choir, but you're looking at it all wrong.
Yes, ultimately it was the big banks that caused it all. But the point is that it was a product of the lower 98% of people, mostly lower middle class and poor, that took out all that ridiculous credit on ridiculous terms to begin with.
I'm just telling you where the money all came from. You're acting like it was all the banks money from the outset. It wasn't. Until the second the loan was made to all those people one by one, the money didn't exist.
Dangit two stroke. Bad twostroke, bad. You are soooo wrong about this.you have a flair for the obvious. credit default swaps are for credits that are already defaulted.