Not Again... Americans who can't afford their mortgage up 145%

Well then, progressives have to play the role of the opposition and stop right wingers from doing even more damage than they already have done. My saying the obvious infuriates @ttystikk but he's going to have to suck it up along with everybody else. We aren't going to pass new regulatory regulations or any other progressive legislation until the right wing are reduced and out of power.
Why do you think any of what you just said would infuriate me?

You clearly don't understand my position at all.
I don't support continuance of the Electoral College. Why to you make stuff up? As far as Pac money is concerned, did you know that every Senator who is a member of the Democratic Party Caucus were in support of Sanders' bill that would have repealed Citizen's United? Yet you for some reason talk as if they stopped the bill. Dude, it was Republicans who sustained the filibuster. The truth can be surprising and interesting. You might try it some time.
Let's see them vote on that again when they're in the majority.
If those loans hadn't been repackaged by major banks and resold, those subprime loans- also offered by those self same big banks- would not have crashed the economy.

Since those banks were and are owned by and large by the very wealthy, how does your example contradict my assertions?
Your assertion is the 1% in and of themselves without any other people by dint of debt by the 1%
True, but you're still looking at the rose in the frosting of the rotten cake...

The big Institutions are the ones that will destroy our economy again, not the little guy.

ALL the little guys put together aren't as much of a factor in the economy as just one of the 'too big to fail' banks.


They need to be broken up so they can't wreck our economy!
In 1929 and 2007/2008, crashes brought on by loans to a huge number of people, way more than the 1%, triggered debt crises. I'm not saying your thesis is impossible, just improbable and asking for examples of where an economy was brought into recession by dint of debt by and only by the 1%.
Let's see them vote on that again when they're in the majority.
Democrats were in the majority in 2014. They didn't have a super-majority. Senate Republicans successfully filibustered Bernie's bill that would have launched an amendment to the Constitution to repeal Citizen's United. Every Republican voted to sustain the filibuster.

In order to pass this legislation, it will take a super majority of Democrats. Are you against that?
Has he always been so fuzzy on facts? I don't remember him being so poor at sticking with a subject either. but you've been here longer than I have. Was he always so loose with what's been said and keeping the subject on point?
Yeah, Cuck Crew missed you at the vigil other night.

a cuck is someone who gets off on being humiliated.

considering that the only thing that ever happens when you post here is half a dozen people pile on to mock you for being a deranged, delusional, conspiracy-addled jew hater, it would seem you get off on being humiliated.
I think you made a smart decision. Leave the bank holding the debt is a millionaire's way. Why not for hundred aires too? Debt free on the mobile home, I suppose? Debt free is the way to live. Home ownership is more about hedging against inflation than an investment. The way I see it that is.

oh I left the bank holding the debt alright. the papers that insure the loan by the federal government were not signed....they harassed me about that endlessly. I took those huge legal packets they sent and started fires with them.

the hundred airs way is find some nice person to gift you a property then pay them on the side.

your loaded term "home ownership" is just so hedge with that would require tapping equity or outright ownership.....nlt sure where you're going with that.
It's important to own said home in a desirable part of the country.

In Colorado, homes have doubled in value in the last 8-10 years. The more home you own, the bigger the annual 'paycheck'. It's too bad this benefit is so regressive.

dude it's totally whatever as to your location. maybe someone owns 20 acres in an "undesireable" rural area but has enough game and land to provide food all year.....your "desireable" suburbia may well depend on easy credit..... think that over.
We aren't going to pass new regulatory regulations or any other progressive legislation until the right wing are reduced and out of power.

This is true, and something I completely agree with. However, if the dems win back a strong majority In congress (and potus) and fail to enact some progressive legislation then I will write them off for good as corporate pawns.

But yes, the republicans can't be in control for this to happen.