Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

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hey, i just thought of a great idea on how both of you can become millionaires overnight.

if what you guys are saying is actually true, just go to a whole bunch of interviews until they ask you about your religion. then sue the ever living shit out of them and never work a day again in your lives.

if you guys aren't spinning bullshit here than you can both be millionaires in no time.

let me know how that all works out!


Sad that you cannot be in discussion without throwing personal barbs, Buck.
Some truly mean it as a compliment; they feel a kinship and part of that is being Jewish. Like them. I'm actually quite used to it, so I try not to be offended but it really can be.
The only offensive part was their crestfallen look when I say I'm not, in spite of the fact that my last name is shared by lots of Jewish people.

Never got any of the jobs, either.

Maybe Buck just doesn't know what it's like to be discriminated against. He sure acts sheltered like that.
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The only offensive post is their crestfallen look when I say I'm not, in spite of the fact that my last name is shared by lots of Jewish people.

Never got any of the jobs, either.

Maybe Buck just doesn't know what it's like to be discriminated against. He sure acts sheltered like that.

Just say you Buck.
i'm sure there are just tons of dumb, reckless jews who will risk every penny they have just to make sure they are hiring a fellow jew.

you guys are fucking retarded.
i'm sure there are just tons of dumb, reckless jews who will risk every penny they have just to make sure they are hiring a fellow jew.

you guys are fucking retarded.
And now you're just another asshole.

Personal experience. I wouldn't say it if it didn't happen to me.

Did I mention South Florida is a fucked up place? You wouldn't know, you've never been job hunting there.

But lordy how you can shit talk on the interwebs about all kinds of things you've never done and places you've never been.

You've lost my respect.
And now you're just another asshole.

Personal experience. I wouldn't say it if it didn't happen to me.

Did I mention South Florida is a fucked up place? You wouldn't know, you've never been job hunting there.

But lordy how you can shit talk on the interwebs about all kinds of things you've never done and places you've never been.

You've lost my respect.

why didn't you sue them for asking? you'd be rich.

oh, i know. it's all a load of heaving bullshit.
why didn't you sue them for asking? you'd be rich.

oh, i know. it's all a load of heaving bullshit.
Oh, sure; 'he said, she said' and I'm living in a youth hostel and getting around by bus. I didn't have two nickels to rub together, let alone hire a fucking attorney.

You weren't there so the best you can do is call me a liar?

Best of luck with that.

But you're making progress; this is at least a discussion about economics.

You don't know what it's like to be penniless, apparently. I sincerely hope you're never in a position to learn.
Oh, sure; 'he said, she said' and I'm living in a youth hostel and getting around by bus. I didn't have two nickels to rub together, let alone hire a fucking attorney.

You weren't there so the best you can do is call me a liar?

Best of luck with that.

But you're making progress; this is at least a discussion about economics.

You don't know what it's like to be penniless, apparently. I sincerely hope you're never in a position to learn.

To be fair to @UncleBuck, I do know he's had his own personal struggles and things were not always as good for him as they are in Denver.

Also, the new development of Don jr is now FACT as he has made his statement public @Padawanbater2. You cannot ignore this.

Good post, Tty!
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Standing O! Bravo! Tty, bra-vo!:clap:
I was just going through this thread and tty's post sky replied to was gone. I was able to read the post and found no good reason in it to delete it so am asking if @ttystikk deleted your own post?

In any case, I see UB's tactics and actually don't find them offensive although boring sometimes.

I've never been asked my religious views during an interview or visit with a customer. Ever. And so, was following the thread to listen in. I have no doubt it happens though. My dad moved from Florida to California and never regretted it -- said 2000 miles separation was just about right. I have family in Florida and yes, they are very different from me. 2000 miles is about right.
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"Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew" - Justice Democrats 2017
Huh? Not sure what you are implying here. This whole antisemitism/"jews are bigots" line of discussion seems bizzare to me. None of it makes sense. Since when is South Florida a hotbed of Jewish people excluding Christians?

3% of the population of Florida says they are Jewish in their religion. 66% say they are Christian and 10% are not religious. What are the odds of meeting a jew who openly discriminates against Christians in Florida?

Total population is 19 million, 3% of that is 570,000. What industry was @ttystikk interviewing in? Not going to ask @schuylaar what her line of business is because don't want her to post self identifying information but really, once a month she runs into some fraction of 570,000 who openly and directly ask and discriminate for Jewish heritage? It can't be more than 1000 people in the whole state that would do that.

Don't go over the wall guys, but this smells like fake or false news. Losing confidence in you ability to think clearly.
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3% of the population of Florida says they are Jewish in their religion. 66% say they are Christian and 10% are not religious. What are the odds of meeting a jew who openly discriminates against Christians in Florida?

Total population is 19 million, 3% of that is 570,000. What industry was @ttystikk interviewing in? Not going to ask @schuylaar what her line of business is because don't what her to post self identifying information but really, once a month she runs into some fraction of 570,000 who openly and directly ask and discriminate for Jewish heritage? It can't be more than 1000 people in the whole state that would do that.

Don't go over the wall guys, but this smells like fake or false news. Losing confidence in you ability to think clearly.

lots of jew hate going around recently. not just from these two clowns either. there's just a ton of members here who think it is somehow a socially acceptable theory to posit that jews control all the banks, media, and the nation/world. you've probably seen me engage a few of them in other threads.

it's still not as bad here in the states as it is in many parts of europe, but jew hatre dseems to be the hot new summer faschion. (intentional misspelling on that last word)
lots of jew hate going around recently. not just from these two clowns either. there's just a ton of members here who think it is somehow a socially acceptable theory to posit that jews control all the banks, media, and the nation/world. you've probably seen me engage a few of them in other threads.

it's still not as bad here in the states as it is in many parts of europe, but jew hatre dseems to be the hot new summer faschion. (intentional misspelling on that last word)
Racism is on rewind, it seems.

The problem is bad people, not their religion, race, ethnicity or social status. They've started to become empowered by the new right. Liberals aren't immune.

But I'd like to see if @schuylaar or @ttystikk can explain this. There is plenty of the old fashioned racism presently on the rise in Oregon too. So, not claiming to be in social equal utopia but I really never expected jew-hate to rise up again.

Naive of me.
Racism is on rewind, it seems.

The problem is bad people, not their religion, race, ethnicity or social status. They've started to become empowered by the new right. Liberals aren't immune.

But I'd like to see if @schuylaar or @ttystikk can explain this. There is plenty of the old fashioned racism presently on the rise in Oregon too. So, not claiming to be in social equal utopia but I really never expected jew-hate to rise up again.

Naive of me.
Foothills in CA are doing bad, too. Just two weeks ago our smoke shop was broken into, trashed, register stolen and swastikas spray-painted everywhere. The owners were a 60 year old Jewish couple that held Shabbat services at their home for a few friends/family in the area. Not an isolated incident, either. All kinds of fucked up shit lately.

Just a week before that some Muslim lady from out of town who stopped for groceries was assaulted. Had her hijab torn off and was pushed into a car before she managed to make it out of the parking lot while being threatened by a group in front of the store. Disgusting. I've been in this area for years and have never seen anything like it (this was a quiet and chill place).

I don't think it's a coincidence that this violence and racist bullshit has only started happening since he took office...
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