north korea launches ICBM capable of hitting U.S. while trump golfs

No, we are not violent piece of shit unlike some people. Not naming names or anything.
cuz' ya know, that'd be offensive...

The spent shell casings from a piece of crap SKS laying in the parking lot of a baseball practice says otherwise. You remember that guy right? The drunk, homeless, Bernie supporter. Not to mention your friend posting about Dead republicans bringing the person good feelings.
English please.

I withdrawal the comment.

You're right about one thing, though. At these heights, if I fall, it will be spectacular. I've always kept that possibility in mind though. An empathy for others less fortunate than me and a, "but for dumb luck, there go I", attitude drives a lot of what I do. If it were to happen, I'd be okay. Better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all paraphrased for success, perhaps. Do you have much room for a big fall?
That says racism. You're asking that in a derogatory way. That shows your racism.
You are assuming that I meant color, well actually I meant gangmember thug type so you are the racist one for assuming that gangmember thug type's are of a minority background but you are not the brightest so it is excusable for you.
You're right about one thing, though. At these heights, if I fall, it will be spectacular
Dude, you are not a bad person at all, probably a great laugh Just try to keep the feet on the ground, as the old saying goes: 'pride comes before a fall' and it always does without fail.
You are assuming that I meant color, well actually I meant gangmember thug type so you are the racist one for assuming that gangmember thug type's are of a minority background but you are not the brightest so it is excusable for you.

I believe it's possible you're too stupid to realize you're blowing a dog whistle. Some of you dumdums repeat what Tits Limbaugh and Sean Pussyboy Hannity want you to say without even realizing it.