Guerrilla 2017

Damn Middler, you are having a rough spot. Double pneumonia is nothing to fuck around with. Get to the ER and let them hook you up to an IV of antibiotics. You have to get well in time to harvest that pollen. Seriously, I hope you get this taken care of in a timely manner.
Well I got bad news. Chest cavity has fluid in it on my lung. 21,000 white blood cell count. . they wanted to chopper my ass to big city hospital. I told them to pound sand. I'm headed there though with medical documents in tow. They contacted hospital and specialist acts like I'm in grave danger. Insisted I take bag of antibiotics through iv before I headed their way. Going to get a BFN (big fucking needle) stuck in my chest to draw up fluid. Have it analyzed to try and figure out what's causing the infection. Not looking forward to this shit. I hope my males dont shoot their wad before I make it back. Oh fucking well if they do. :peace:
Well I got bad news. Chest cavity has fluid in it on my lung. 21,000 white blood cell count. . they wanted to chopper my ass to big city hospital. I told them to pound sand. I'm headed there though with medical documents in tow. They contacted hospital and specialist acts like I'm in grave danger. Insisted I take bag of antibiotics through iv before I headed their way. Going to get a BFN (big fucking needle) stuck in my chest to draw up fluid. Have it analyzed to try and figure out what's causing the infection. Not looking forward to this shit. I hope my males dont shoot their wad before I make it back. Oh fucking well if they do. :peace:
Get well quick, if the males pop I hope you have some sticky crosses
Sorry to hear brother hope you get well soon. Health definitely 1st priority. I sprained ankle pretty bad and couldnt get to my plants for quite a while so i kno the feeling. Hopefully your partner can hold it down for a little while. @MiddlerGuerrilla
Sorry to hear brother hope you get well soon. Health definitely 1st priority. I sprained ankle pretty bad and couldnt get to my plants for quite a while so i kno the feeling. Hopefully your partner can hold it down for a little while. @MiddlerGuerrilla
Health first yes. Settled in to my room. BFN procedure will be mid morning. As long as I'm out in 5 days or so males shouldn't be an issue. No partner. I got cold feet. That area is a whitetail headhunters dream. Its prime real estate for a mature buck. The more I came to terms with that the colder my feet got. There is almost certainly trail cams in the area and a bowhunter nosing around come September or August pulling cards from cameras. As it turned out I needed everythibg I started for myself.
Health first yes. Settled in to my room. BFN procedure will be mid morning. As long as I'm out in 5 days or so males shouldn't be an issue. No partner. I got cold feet. That area is a whitetail headhunters dream. Its prime real estate for a mature buck. The more I came to terms with that the colder my feet got. There is almost certainly trail cams in the area and a bowhunter nosing around come September or August pulling cards from cameras. As it turned out I needed everythibg I started for myself.
good luck buddy
Health first yes. Settled in to my room. BFN procedure will be mid morning. As long as I'm out in 5 days or so males shouldn't be an issue. No partner. I got cold feet. That area is a whitetail headhunters dream. Its prime real estate for a mature buck. The more I came to terms with that the colder my feet got. There is almost certainly trail cams in the area and a bowhunter nosing around come September or August pulling cards from cameras. As it turned out I needed everythibg I started for myself.
Wish you the best of luck, I'll say a little prayer, I almost wish I had backed out of my partnership, everything is fine other then I've done 90 percent of the work, literally I take care of 4/5 patches myself and he's watered the other one twice. Out of probably 1000 gallons of soil I lugged way the fuck out to the bush he's carried absolutely none. Always busy with his kid which is fine except I have two kids younger then his and work more and he still expects 50/50 split. Also I own all of the equipment and pay all the electric etc. Anyways I think it'll be a solo mission again next year. End rant
Health first yes. Settled in to my room. BFN procedure will be mid morning. As long as I'm out in 5 days or so males shouldn't be an issue. No partner. I got cold feet. That area is a whitetail headhunters dream. Its prime real estate for a mature buck. The more I came to terms with that the colder my feet got. There is almost certainly trail cams in the area and a bowhunter nosing around come September or August pulling cards from cameras. As it turned out I needed everythibg I started for myself.
You worry about getting better. The plants will do what they do. Sending prayers your way.
. . . . . . . I almost wish I had backed out of my partnership, everything is fine other then I've done 90 percent of the work, literally I take care of 4/5 patches myself and he's watered the other one twice. Out of probably 1000 gallons of soil I lugged way the fuck out to the bush he's carried absolutely none. Always busy with his kid which is fine except I have two kids younger then his and work more and he still expects 50/50 split. Also I own all of the equipment and pay all the electric etc. Anyways I think it'll be a solo mission again next year. End rant
I grew with friends when I was young. Never again. It was just like you described. Or worse.

I did kind of have a partner for my Spring crop. The BIL provided the veg location and electricity, and I provided the soil, seeds, pots, lights and ferts. We split the plants 50/50 at the end of veg, but from there we were both solo again. I'm going to try starting some outdoors in November this year, just to see how they compare to the ones we veg with lights.
Wish you the best of luck, I'll say a little prayer, I almost wish I had backed out of my partnership, everything is fine other then I've done 90 percent of the work, literally I take care of 4/5 patches myself and he's watered the other one twice. Out of probably 1000 gallons of soil I lugged way the fuck out to the bush he's carried absolutely none. Always busy with his kid which is fine except I have two kids younger then his and work more and he still expects 50/50 split. Also I own all of the equipment and pay all the electric etc. Anyways I think it'll be a solo mission again next year. End rant
I have always been let down by anyone I've brought in. One partner I have now is a help but I think I'll go solo from now on. I'm always trying one with the ideas, the locations, and find myself doing most of the work. I think it speaks volumes e we are the ones on this forum... It shows you care and see into it. Most other people think it's just an easy del where you magically dig a hole and place a plant to come fall there will be a pound of cured bud in jars. :confused: I wish it were that easy
I have always been let down by anyone I've brought in. One partner I have now is a help but I think I'll go solo from now on. I'm always trying one with the ideas, the locations, and find myself doing most of the work. I think it speaks volumes e we are the ones on this forum... It shows you care and see into it. Most other people think it's just an easy del where you magically dig a hole and place a plant to come fall there will be a pound of cured bud in jars. :confused: I wish it were that easy
That's why I always say if it was easy everybody would be doing it.
I can attest to that its hard enough growing a couple nice big ones in the back yard and growing at my mates farm by phone :o
Get well middller thats a bad condition to have if not taken seriously
Got chest tube in. Draining well and drainage isn't as bad looking as what they expected. CT tomorrow morning will tell more. Hopefully most of fluid drained and not producing more. Could be out of here in a couple of days if everything goes well. I sure hope so.
Should have watered them but a hefty amount of Jack. I couldn't spread my seed after a bottle, I doubt the plants could either. You would have come back to check up on them an found a bunch of limp branches :lol: really tho I hope everything's all good for ya