Your plants look great, I must say you deal with adversity very well considering your losses last season and those of late. You are a true Guerilla grower sir.Double Black x seawarp
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Candy Train
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Candy Train or Rum Bayou X bt
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Thank you for the kind words. I'm thankful for what I got as of right now for sure. If the weather cooperates I could easily come out double of what I had last season. Big if though lol.Your plants look great, I must say you deal with adversity very well considering your losses last season and those of late. You are a true Guerilla grower sir.
Thanx Rubes. My brother from anutha down unda.Im pumping for one of my fav two guerrilla growers
Thank you Larry. It's always something isn't it? Never ending learning process. I wasn't vigilant in protecting my solo cup seedlings and I paid the price. It's never been an issue before but it dam sure was this year. Live, learn, and grow more. My time has been severely limited due to job but fortunately I can still devote enough time to the cause to nearly ensure I have a nice harvest...I use that word "ensure" very loosely lol.What you have is looking good Middler. I started late due to so many deer losses early last season. But the grasshoppers had to show me the deer where not the only critters to fear. That and 20+ days of rain and no sun have got me a little later than I had planned. I have round 2.0 up and growing, and I put 12 seeds of round 2.1 in soil today.
Like you, I have less time this year. My wife retired six months ago, and it's been tough getting as much woods time as I need. I'm trying to gradually phase out my veggie garden to make more time.
The grasshopper got a couple three trays of sprouts the first night I had moved them to the holding grounds. Next day I rigged up my "screen room." Still lost a few as the "room" got full and I had to set some out before they were ready. But enough of them are alive, and I did drop 12 more seeds today.Thank you Larry. It's always something isn't it? Never ending learning process. I wasn't vigilant in protecting my solo cup seedlings and I paid the price. It's never been an issue before but it dam sure was this year. Live, learn, and grow more. My time has been severely limited due to job but fortunately I can still devote enough time to the cause to nearly ensure I have a nice harvest...I use that word "ensure" very loosely lol.
Sounds about right on the CTThe ct are late showers and go crazy topped or super cropped. The double black was very frosty , medium yielded. Didn't have much after the seeds.
How soon do you see purple in the stems of the purple CT pheno?The ct are late showers and go crazy topped or super cropped. The double black was very frosty , medium yielded. Didn't have much after the seeds.
I feel like every year something new happens that I never expected to mess up my crop. I'd like to think they are learning lessons but at the same time if I had to direct my plants from everything then they'd look like there is a Guantanamo Bay greenhouse in the woods. Im learning mostly that starting plants earlyyyy inside get them atleast 12" tall helps eliminate most problems and starting 3x's more seeds than you think you need.Thank you Larry. It's always something isn't it? Never ending learning process. I wasn't vigilant in protecting my solo cup seedlings and I paid the price. It's never been an issue before but it dam sure was this year. Live, learn, and grow more. My time has been severely limited due to job but fortunately I can still devote enough time to the cause to nearly ensure I have a nice harvest...I use that word "ensure" very loosely lol.
I feel like every year something new happens that I never expected to mess up my crop. I'd like to think they are learning lessons but at the same time if I had to direct my plants from everything then they'd look like there is a Guantanamo Bay greenhouse in the woods. Im learning mostly that starting plants earlyyyy inside get them atleast 12" tall helps eliminate most problems and starting 3x's more seeds than you think you need.
I feel like every year something new happens that I never expected to mess up my crop. . . . . . . . Im learning mostly that starting plants earlyyyy inside get them atleast 12" tall helps eliminate most problems and starting 3x's more seeds than you think you need.
Since I don't have the option of starting inside, I plant about 4 times what I want to finish with. You figure that up to half of them will be male. Going into the woods with smaller plants is always going to cost you a few right off the bat. Then you just have the normal losses to worry about.i always start 3 times the amount of seeds as i want for plants
Everything shot up the past 3 days. Had substantial rain twice. I went out last night to make sure my males weren't to far along to leave for a few days in case I get hospitalized. Have pneumonia in both lungs now. Left one was pretty well healed up Friday. Late in the day I started getting sharp pains in the right side of my chest. Then yesterday left side started hurting again. Going to ER in a while. Not as bad of shape as I thought I might be in compared to last weekend. Double lung pneumonia isn't anything to fuck around with though. Ran out of antibiotics on Thursday. Need more of those and a pain shot if offered. At least I've had rainfall giving me a break from that aspect.