Microsoft Laying Off THOUSANDS..

I think oral is best when both are used skillfully. But I'd have to say, this isn't a legit response to her post. More like a cheap shot.
Depends on where ones head is at Mister.
She could use her mouth to get things done. Or use them hands to get things done.
We can't ignore segregation and exploitation of African Americans in the south and elsewhere when talking about how well off white people were in the '50's.

Totally agree that in some ways the US was more progressive then than now. But then too, white people were only more progressive towards other whites. Still, we built the superhighway system, thousands of schools and libraries, and with the help of African Americans, invented Rock and Roll. It was happy days. Also the US was the only major economy not rocked by WW2. Major superpower, exporting to the world as it rebuilds.

I don't think the 50's were so great. We sowed the seeds of today's discontent back then by shuffling problems under the rug. I very much regret the US's actions in the Middle East which culminated in the formation of Israel. And, we can't ignore social equality when talking about the economy.

You're too deep for me.
Care to put some stakes on that? Maybe a week of not posting if you are wrong? If you are right, I'll gladly put up an apology to you and stop posting for a week while @tampee , sky, you and pad mock me.

I agree with both of you that the economy is sick and will go through a correction soon. A correction. Like what typically happens every few years after a period of growth. There is no great depression on the horizon, six months to a year. There. I said it.

Microsoft is a sick tech company. It has been so for a long time. This kind of growth, then bust cycle is common in tech industry and doesn't necessarily mean a larger economic collapse.

I think @schuylaar is seeing lags in payment correctly in that they do indicate a slowdown is imminent.

No mock; just tease
We can't ignore segregation and exploitation of African Americans in the south and elsewhere when talking about how well off white people were in the '50's.

Totally agree that in some ways the US was more progressive then than now. But then too, white people were only more progressive towards other whites. Still, we built the superhighway system, thousands of schools and libraries, and with the help of African Americans, invented Rock and Roll. It was happy days. Also the US was the only major economy not rocked by WW2. Major superpower, exporting to the world as it rebuilds.

I don't think the 50's were so great. We sowed the seeds of today's discontent back then by shuffling problems under the rug. I very much regret the US's actions in the Middle East which culminated in the formation of Israel. And, we can't ignore social equality when talking about the economy.
Israel was a product of WWII and the American/British/Soviet partition of the Middle East, not the 1950s.

The ratio of corporate taxes vs payroll taxes on middle classes is exactly the difference we're taking about and screwing that up has led to many of the economic problems we see today.

Many economists have pointed to the Civil Rights movement of the late 1950s and 1960s as being an economic engine for prosperity because black people were getting better jobs, building businesses and buying homes- even if these weren't as nice or in the best neighborhoods, they still contributed greatly to the economic boom of the era.

You may be a good programmer but you don't know fuck all about history, bro.
Care to put some stakes on that? Maybe a week of not posting if you are wrong? If you are right, I'll gladly put up an apology to you and stop posting for a week while @tampee , sky, you and pad mock me.

I agree with both of you that the economy is sick and will go through a correction soon. A correction. Like what typically happens every few years after a period of growth. There is no great depression on the horizon, six months to a year. There. I said it.

Microsoft is a sick tech company. It has been so for a long time. This kind of growth, then bust cycle is common in tech industry and doesn't necessarily mean a larger economic collapse.

I think @schuylaar is seeing lags in payment correctly in that they do indicate a slowdown is imminent.
Semantics; 1929 and 2008 were 'just corrections' as well. But they were severe and had lasting, even lifelong consequences for many who lived through them.

Your word salad is wilty and lacks substance.
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Alot/All of you guys are posting REAL laughable comments.

The scenario we are in today is not because of A or B in the past, or all the bullshit you are mentioning in this thread, like inequality, the war, this, that.

The scenario we are in is engineered from start to finish from the extreme capitalists and bankers... Its ludacris that some of you actually think its from inequality, or because we didnt do this back in old year 1965, give it a rest...

The top banks/bankers make policies proposing to fix an issue, this policy has effects in other areas(which they are aware about) and eventually as time passes with the policy in force it causes a crisis. Just like it has done for years...

You, or your race of people, or your uncle at walmart(employed or sacked), or your brother trying to get into University, have NO influence on the scenario we are in, its a DIRECT result of political/economic policies on a Macro-National-Global level...
And if you didn't get my point, the crisis from the policies is known from the beginning... its intentional
Alot/All of you guys are posting REAL laughable comments.

The scenario we are in today is not because of A or B in the past, or all the bullshit you are mentioning in this thread, like inequality, the war, this, that.

The scenario we are in is engineered from start to finish from the extreme capitalists and bankers... Its ludacris that some of you actually think its from inequality, or because we didnt do this back in old year 1965, give it a rest...

The top banks/bankers make policies proposing to fix an issue, this policy has effects in other areas(which they are aware about) and eventually as time passes with the policy in force it causes a crisis. Just like it has done for years...

You, or your race of people, or your uncle at walmart(employed or sacked), or your brother trying to get into University, have NO influence on the scenario we are in, its a DIRECT result of political/economic policies on a Macro-National-Global level...
And if you didn't get my point, the crisis from the policies is known from the beginning... its intentional

ah, so a globalist kabal of internationalist bankers are to blame for the destruction of our race of peoples, eh?

where the fuck have i heard that one before?

"A global power structure is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities."

Israel was a product of WWII and the American/British/Soviet partition of the Middle East, not the 1950s.

The ratio of corporate taxes vs payroll taxes on middle classes is exactly the difference we're taking about and screwing that up has led to many of the economic problems we see today.

Many economists have pointed to the Civil Rights movement of the late 1950s and 1960s as being an economic engine for prosperity because black people were getting better jobs, building businesses and buying homes- even if these weren't as nice or in the best neighborhoods, they still contributed greatly to the economic boom of the era.

You may be a good programmer but you don't know fuck all about history, bro.
Take breath. Maybe take several into a paper bag. Sheesh.

Israel was founded in 1948 and the US was in deep with them throughout the 50's. The early days would have been the best time for the US to get away from entanglements with Israel. As I said, I wish we had. I'm not sure what you are calling me out for here.

Are you obsessed about the difference between 1948 and 1950? If so, go back to the top of my post.

We agree on payroll tax increase. So take a deep breath and remember that we agree.

If you can't go back to the top of my post.

Segregation, Jim Crow, etc. basically stole cheap labor from African Americans to the benefit of White Americans. That was my point. We can't discuss economic prosperity of white people in the 50's as if it were equally shared.

I'd like to see a link to the economic history you say an economic boom in late 50's and 60's BECAUSE equal rights. The Civil Rights Act wasn't even made into law until 1964. How did it then cause a boom in the late 50s? Surely you don't think Civil Rights Act passed then BOOM economy takes off.

I'm not a programmer. But thanks for the compliment. And you are right, I don't know much if anything about history.

More than some, I might say, but that would just cause you to start hyperventilating again, so I won't say that.
Semantics; 1929 and 2008 were 'just corrections' as well. But they were server and had lasting, even lifelong consequences for many who lived through them.

Your word salad is wilty and lacks substance.
how about that wager, grouch.
Semantics; 1929 and 2008 were 'just corrections' as well. But they were server and had lasting, even lifelong consequences for many who lived through them.

Your word salad is wilty and lacks substance.
Umm, 1929 and 2008 were more than just corrections. They were crashes.

A correction is a reverse movement, usually negative, of at least 10% in a stock, bond, commodity or index to adjust for an overvaluation. Corrections are generally temporary price declines interrupting an uptrend in the market or an asset.

A stock market crash is a sudden dramatic decline of stock prices across a significant cross-section of a stockmarket, resulting in a significant loss of paper wealth.Crashes are driven by panic as much as by underlying economic factors. They often follow speculative stock market bubbles.
Umm, 1929 and 2008 were more than just corrections. They were crashes.

A correction is a reverse movement, usually negative, of at least 10% in a stock, bond, commodity or index to adjust for an overvaluation. Corrections are generally temporary price declines interrupting an uptrend in the market or an asset.

A stock market crash is a sudden dramatic decline of stock prices across a significant cross-section of a stockmarket, resulting in a significant loss of paper wealth.Crashes are driven by panic as much as by underlying economic factors. They often follow speculative stock market bubbles.
I'm not calling for an economic crash in the next 6 months.
I don't think the 50's were so great. We sowed the seeds of today's discontent back then by shuffling problems under the rug. I very much regret the US's actions in the Middle East which culminated in the formation of Israel. And, we can't ignore social equality when talking about the economy.

BS. The 50's weren't a case of shuffling things under the rug. They were an era, like now, of putting hate and division front and center. Israel? That was an exercise in white dominance over the ugly arabs. That's it. We didn't like anwar so we promoted the white Israelis. period.

You think that was a screw up. But for the wrong reasons. We shouldn't have interfered. But, we can't help ourselves.

So now we have a boiler pot of hate. Thanks, really not.
Lol, she acts as if she provides some essential service and it's some kind of economic indicator.

In reality it's because Micro$oft invested too much in their tablet/smartphone development and they're just not competing against Android and iOS.
They are doing well with the Surface tablet, despite the high price.
The Windows phone is another story. That was Steve Ballmers baby -- and a bigger debacle than the ill-fated zune.
Our economy is already fucked the only reason we are pushing American imperialism across the world. Gadaffi was in the process of creating a gold backed currency Saddam tried to only accept Euros so we killed them both. Our economy is beyond repair we can never pay back our debt so we must have war.

Bingo. Someone gets it..