Microsoft Laying Off THOUSANDS..

no, but seriously. tell me more about this globalist kabal of internationalist bankers who are stealing the wealth and prosperity from my "race of people".

let me guess, are there jews involved?

LOL! You are a one note Johnny. Anyone not pimping central banks is an anti semite.

I think I could make a better arguement that Hillary supporters are racists because the Clintions ripped off haiti and haitians for billions.

LOL! You are a one note Johnny. Anyone not pimping central banks is an anti semite.

so far the correlation has been 100%.

you know who you have on your side? two holocaust deniers, one who says the world would be a better place if the nazis had won.

oh, and also a guy who hates civil rights because if you make him serve "purples" he will just hate them more now. he also makes fuin of people who wear yarmulkes.

Hillary supporters are racists because the Clintions ripped off haiti

100% debunked bullshit, but i'm sure you have a fucking youtube video or twelve to spam us with.

a generation of retards raised on youtube videos. fucking pathetic.

Screenshot 2017-07-08 at 7.25.02 PM.png

and all i did was simply ask if jews were involved and you flew right the fuck off the handle when a simple "no" would have sufficed.

gee, that's not a huge gigantic gaping tell or anything, retard.
It doesn't take a psychic or even an astute economist to have predicted that the economy would suffer under such a regime of extreme right wing blowhards with control of all three branches of the US gov't. As for Microsoft laying fools off, Xbox One is getting boring and Nintendo just dropped a new Zelda which is already one of the most highly rated video games of all time. I am still having trouble with the shrines though, I have 119 and the last one requires a blood moon to activate it.
It doesn't take a psychic or even an astute economist to have predicted that the economy would suffer under such a regime of extreme right wing blowhards with control of all three branches of the US gov't. As for Microsoft laying fools off, Xbox One is getting boring and Nintendo just dropped a new Zelda which is already one of the most highly rated video games of all time. I am still having trouble with the shrines though, I have 119 and the last one requires a blood moon to activate it.
id never buy the new nintendo, they released it too eary.. as for microsoft, i think the xbox and windows are their best sellers.. i like windows 10, easy to use and good interface. but im a playstation person lol. as for best rated game.. i dont know exact ratings, didnt look it up.. but grand theft auto five im sure is the best seller.. fuck its still the same price it was when it came out like 3-4 years ago.
id never buy the new nintendo, they released it too eary.. as for microsoft, i think the xbox and windows are their best sellers.. i like windows 10, easy to use and good interface. but im a playstation person lol. as for best rated game.. i dont know exact ratings, didnt look it up.. but grand theft auto five im sure is the best seller.. fuck its still the same price it was when it came out like 3-4 years ago.
I have always liked video games but as a traveler I just can't lug a console around. I rather like the Switch but there just aren't enough games out. As a handheld though it is actually pretty good. I think they'll be dropping some good games for sure and even the prospect of backwards compatibility is exciting. The battery life sucks but at least it is USB charged. For $299 I really think it is worth it. Sure, connected to a TV it won't ever have high frame rate 4K like the latest and greatest from Sony and Microsoft but I haven't seen a 4K display at any hotel that I can afford anyway, shit I'm lucky to even get an HDMI port. The controllers are surprisingly good too. Breath of the Wild is an excellent game.

I try not to be a fanboi about it but I grew up on Zelda. I never could get into the GTA games. Even when I had a Playstation I couldn't sit for that game for more than 15 minutes. To be honest I hate it. You're right though, it is popular. Come to think of it, a lot of the titles that have been really popular never caught on with me, so maybe I am a fanboi. I couldn't stand any of the modern warfare or call of duty games. I think the last time I played a first person shooter was one of the Halo games from around a decade ago. Overwatch looks cool but it won't come to the Switch.
I have always liked video games but as a traveler I just can't lug a console around. I rather like the Switch but there just aren't enough games out. As a handheld though it is actually pretty good. I think they'll be dropping some good games for sure and even the prospect of backwards compatibility is exciting. The battery life sucks but at least it is USB charged. For $299 I really think it is worth it. Sure, connected to a TV it won't ever have high frame rate 4K like the latest and greatest from Sony and Microsoft but I haven't seen a 4K display at any hotel that I can afford anyway, shit I'm lucky to even get an HDMI port. The controllers are surprisingly good too. Breath of the Wild is an excellent game.

I try not to be a fanboi about it but I grew up on Zelda. I never could get into the GTA games. Even when I had a Playstation I couldn't sit for that game for more than 15 minutes. To be honest I hate it. You're right though, it is popular. Come to think of it, a lot of the titles that have been really popular never caught on with me, so maybe I am a fanboi. I couldn't stand any of the modern warfare or call of duty games. I think the last time I played a first person shooter was one of the Halo games from around a decade ago. Overwatch looks cool but it won't come to the Switch.
lol you fanboy jk... different strokes for different folks. i love gta because i got it opening night. and still to this day i find stuff new in it. pretty crazy for a 3-4 year old game.. the only reason id like a switch is because im sure theyll release a new smash bros on it
lol you fanboy jk... different strokes for different folks. i love gta because i got it opening night. and still to this day i find stuff new in it. pretty crazy for a 3-4 year old game.. the only reason id like a switch is because im sure theyll release a new smash bros on it
Yeah I'll probably get it when they do. I'll probably pick up that Mario Kart and the banjo kazooie wannabe. I loved the N64 Banjo Kazooie. Donkey Kong too. Yeah I'm a Nintendo fanboi I guess. That's not why I didn't like the GTA or "realistic" first person shooters, I didn't like those because I fucking suck at playing them. Particularly the FPS onlines when some third grader revealed that he banged my mom. That shit hurt my feelings.
Yeah I'll probably get it when they do. I'll probably pick up that Mario Kart and the banjo kazooie wannabe. I loved the N64 Banjo Kazooie. Donkey Kong too. Yeah I'm a Nintendo fanboi I guess. That's not why I didn't like the GTA or "realistic" first person shooters, I didn't like those because I fucking suck at playing them. Particularly the FPS onlines when some third grader revealed that he banged my mom. That shit hurt my feelings.
i never got too into nintendo.. probably because i grew up with a sega lol
i never got too into nintendo.. probably because i grew up with a sega lol
Well don't feel bad, when I was about 14 I sold my Gameboy and several dozen games for enough money to buy a ticket to see Sublime at Soma and I bought an ounce of what we used to call the "good mex". It was cartel weed but it was clean, all flowers, no mold and while it did have some seeds, they were all mature seeds not those little ones that you would send an hour picking out. Fuck I still remember that first ounce back in 1995. I had been toking when ever I could follow my brothers around since like age 12 but that was the first time I had my own bag.
Well don't feel bad, when I was about 14 I sold my Gameboy and several dozen games for enough money to buy a ticket to see Sublime at Soma and I bought an ounce of what we used to call the "good mex". It was cartel weed but it was clean, all flowers, no mold and while it did have some seeds, they were all mature seeds not those little ones that you would send an hour picking out. Fuck I still remember that first ounce back in 1995. I had been toking when ever I could follow my brothers around since like age 12 but that was the first time I had my own bag.
hey man.. sublime over gameboy all day

ya mean, a pedophile who espouses white supremacist and neo-nazi conspiracy theories?

because that is who you are agreeing with right now. he's a retard who gets all of his "news" from infowars.

Can I
LOL! You are a one note Johnny. Anyone not pimping central banks is an anti semite.

I think I could make a better arguement that Hillary supporters are racists because the Clintions ripped off haiti and haitians for billions.

Rich white elites aka Clintons ripping off the poorest blacks in Haiti. Pathetic.
Care to put some stakes on that? Maybe a week of not posting if you are wrong? If you are right, I'll gladly put up an apology to you and stop posting for a week while @tampee , sky, you and pad mock me.

I agree with both of you that the economy is sick and will go through a correction soon. A correction. Like what typically happens every few years after a period of growth. There is no great depression on the horizon, six months to a year. There. I said it.

Microsoft is a sick tech company. It has been so for a long time. This kind of growth, then bust cycle is common in tech industry and doesn't necessarily mean a larger economic collapse.

I think @schuylaar is seeing lags in payment correctly in that they do indicate a slowdown is imminent.
The wider economy has been suffering for a long time and the next business will hurt worse than people expect. I'm seeing a tipping point past which the economy will continue to fall, dragging everyone else down with it.
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Rich white elites aka Clintons.

They are doing well with the Surface tablet, despite the high price.
The Windows phone is another story. That was Steve Ballmers baby -- and a bigger debacle than the ill-fated zune.
Doing "well" is not the ubiquity they were expecting though.

Surface was supposed to completely disrupt the tablet and lower end notebook market.

Id argue it wasn't even their hardware and software though, just the absolute dominance of Android.

(Which I don't understand the obsession with, their system of "intents" is ridiculous imo but I suppose its an adequate method of sandboxing, they should've just used more straight Java)
Yeah I'll probably get it when they do. I'll probably pick up that Mario Kart and the banjo kazooie wannabe. I loved the N64 Banjo Kazooie. Donkey Kong too. Yeah I'm a Nintendo fanboi I guess. That's not why I didn't like the GTA or "realistic" first person shooters, I didn't like those because I fucking suck at playing them. Particularly the FPS onlines when some third grader revealed that he banged my mom. That shit hurt my feelings.
lol Mute can be your best friend when gaming online.
A 12-15 year old is apparently having my wife cook him dinner while he plays. He also is banging her as well. My wife claims to know nothing of this. LOL