north korea launches ICBM capable of hitting U.S. while trump golfs

again i never denied world war II happened, but there was never homicidal gas chambers, electrocutions, rollercoasters in to a pit, masturbation machines or even a plan to exterminate jews. literally zero evidence of it. most bodies in the pictures aren't even jewish, and deadm from typhus starvation bombing etc.

deep down everyone really knows the story is bullshit. you're just trolling.

You're the most retarded person we have had on here in a while, congratulations, you've gone down to a new level.
you should stick around more. you sound like an antisemitistic meth head.
holocaust denier?
I love it when you catchphrase that because it reminds us all how much I am superimposed onto your (tiny) cranium...type it again to remind us all once more...

Yes. In this thread and many others you appear to be obsessively concerned with social constructs that may have formed (real or imagined) and what everyone else is doing. Does that help you?
What has Bucks 'suckers' got to do with social constructs?