north korea launches ICBM capable of hitting U.S. while trump golfs

I had to go before a federal magistrate when I got busted for riding my motorcycle without a license on Pearl Harbor navy base. I actually had a license but had lost my wallet a couple of weeks earlier. A shipmate found it 2 days before my court appearance. The guy whose case was before mine was his second offense and he got 6 months in prison
So you say respect others beliefs but Kim Jong Un is bat shit crazy in his views and beliefs? you know who else has views and beliefs?.......Satan

Kim Jong Un wants to eradicate millions of innocent people from existence, so yeah I stand by what I said he is a lunatic and that's my belief! As for Satan, if that's your thing, believe what you want and I will respect your right to do so.
I had to go before a federal magistrate when I got busted for riding my motorcycle without a license on Pearl Harbor navy base. I actually had a license but had lost my wallet a couple of weeks earlier. A shipmate found it 2 days before my court appearance. The guy whose case was before mine was his second offense and he got 6 months in prison
Thats wonder you have so many prisoners.
Kim Jong Un wants to eradicate millions of innocent people from existence, so yeah I stand by what I said he is a lunatic and that's my belief! As for Satan, if that's your thing, believe what you want and I will respect your right to do so.
lol..No he doesn't. He wont do anything. He knows he will lose. He just likes it that he is getting attention all of a sudden. He can thank the Orange idiot for that.
Kim Jong Un is the king of a shitty half-assed kingdom and wants to feel important.
That doesn't mean he isn't dangerous with an eye towards the future, but he's far less dangerous at this time than we're being led to believe. Their missile program is a joke, they've only just been able to successfully launch a multi-stage rocket with no payload for god's sake
If I was president, I'd ignore him
Kim Jong Un is the king of a shitty half-assed kingdom and wants to feel important.
That doesn't mean he isn't dangerous with an eye towards the future, but he's far less dangerous at this time than we're being led to believe. Their missile program is a joke, they've only just been able to successfully launch a multi-stage rocket with no payload for god's sake
If I was president, I'd ignore him
It's not even a multistage rocket in the traditional sense.

It's multistage only in the sense that it can burn to a certain height, drift and then fall accurately.

A multistage rocket usually has multiple sections that are jetissoned when empty.
By not voting, you and others like you are to blame.

He was put into power by the American democratic voting system. The same system that America tells the world is superior than any other system. He was elected by this system to represent you and the American people. Like it or not.

If you dont vote I'm not sure you have earn't the right to comment on politics. After all if you don't care enough to vote why take the time to care to comment? You are happy to get whats given to you. Kinda like a beaten down dog.
Until you take a college political science corse you should not have the right to vote. I made a grade of 98 in mine.
America is a tyrant nation where the common working man that use to be considered middle class is now reduced to near bum status( Homless). It takes 3 minimum wadge jobs to do what 1 minimum wage job did 30 years ago.

Yup and it started with Reagan by infusing religion into politics along with trickle down theory which doesn't work because you need the wealthy to spend their tax cuts. They hoard them and it doesn't flow to middle/poor classes.

This is what you got 40 years later..stagnant wages, a sea of part-time jobs no benefits and the argument whether health insurance is a privilege or human right..can't afford something? Get another job. How dare you expect your employer pay you more..McDs Human Resource gives you sample budget to assist employees that starts with cash from 80 hour work week and a phone number to your states EBT program.
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The quote buttons are nowhere near close enough to blame your fat fingers.
I can say my fingers are fat, but when you say it it makes you look like a dick. Do you throw around words like retard when someone is mentaly challegened or bum when some one is less fourtanate than you. You are mentaly challenged. So I forgive you
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I didnt even know there was Irish Black people...They all seem pasty white and talk funny. I must say i was in Ireland along time ago- great place and warm people.
Shows your lack of understanding others heritage. You can be smart and google before you start assuming agin
Looks like the brain washed government imbasol wins this one.
I really wish you had critical thinking skills, you know why aDr.'s hand writing is so bad...... because most of are so involved in their work they don't have time to learn to spell everything correctly, so they scribble prescriptions so people do call them on their misspellings. You keep sounding more and more like an educated person.
Looks like the brain washed government imbasol wins this one.

I really wish you had critical thinking skills, you know why aDr.'s hand writing is so bad...... because most of are so involved in their work they don't have time to learn to spell everything correctly, so they scribble prescriptions so people do call them on their misspellings. You keep sounding more and more like an educated person.

Why do you keep replying to yourself, baldy?