north korea launches ICBM capable of hitting U.S. while trump golfs

North Korea is not the belligerent nation here. WE ARE. They've been defending themselves from American aggression since the Korean War started over 50 years ago.

Viewed in this context, their weapons program makes perfect sense.

Am I defending them? No. North Korea is a serial human rights abuser with a certified nutjob running the show. That said, they think the US is out to get them and FWIW they haven't been wrong about that since the 1940s.

They're building a weapons program for self defense. Considering how many other nations America has invaded, sanctioned, toppled and subverted over the past few decades, they have every right to be very afraid.

So exactly who is the real bogeyman here? Yes they are shitty to their people, but we've killed a million Iraqi civilians during our wars there. Since when did it become our job and duty to preemptively stop other tyrants?

Since the military industrial complex figured out how to get rich from it, that's when.
America is a tyrant nation where the common working man that use to be considered middle class is now reduced to near bum status( Homless). It takes 3 minimum wadge jobs to do what 1 minimum wage job did 30 years ago.
America is a tyrant nation where the common working man that use to be considered middle class is now reduced to near bum status( Homless). It takes 3 minimum wadge jobs to do what 1 minimum wage job did 30 years ago.
Yep. The oligarchs in charge don't treat their fellow citizens with much more respect than civilians in other countries.

This is why we American citizens need to come together, take back our country and fucking get rid of them, before they destroy our country and our planet.

I'm less optimistic about our willingness or ability to do that as time goes on.
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North Korea is not the belligerent nation here. WE ARE. They've been defending themselves from American aggression since the Korean War started over 50 years ago.

Viewed in this context, their weapons program makes perfect sense.

Am I defending them? No. North Korea is a serial human rights abuser with a certified nutjob running the show. That said, they think the US is out to get them and FWIW they haven't been wrong about that since the 1940s.

They're building a weapons program for self defense. Considering how many other nations America has invaded, sanctioned, toppled and subverted over the past few decades, they have every right to be very afraid.

So exactly who is the real bogeyman here? Yes they are shitty to their people, but we've killed a million Iraqi civilians during our wars there. Since when did it become our job and duty to preemptively stop other tyrants?

Since the military industrial complex figured out how to get rich from it, that's when.
America is a tyrant nation where the common working man that use to be considered middle class is now reduced to near bum status( Homless). It takes 3 minimum wadge jobs to do what 1 minimum wage job did 30 years ago.
seems like the American government has been at war with its lower class citizens for years....... it's not a white black/ straight or gay issue with them it is a rich poor issue. I call it for what it is and it is another form of oppression called classism. Me I live simply so others can simply live.
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Yep. The oligarchs in charge don't treat their fellow citizens with much more respect than civilians in other countries.

This is why we American citizens need to come together, take back our country and fucking get rid of them, before they destroy our country and our planet.

I'm less optimistic about our willingness our ability to do that as time goes on.
There are laws agents that too 18 us code 2385 advocating the overthrow of the U.S. Government
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seems like the American government has been at war with its lower class citizens for years....... it's not a white black/ straight or gay issue with them it is a rich poor issue. I call it for what is and it is another form of oppression called classism. Me I live simply so others can simply live.
I fully agree. The other divisions are played up to distract, deceive and control the populace.
There are laws agents that too 18 us code 2385 advocating the overthrow of the U.S. Government
I'm advocating no such thing; I'm talking about peaceful change via electing representatives who will work for We the People instead of the few and the filthy rich.

If we attempted armed insurrection we'd be mowed down like grass. Peaceful civil disobedience and working through the existing system is the only hope we have.

I did say it was a long shot, didn't I?
A good war is always a go to for American President's- great for approval ratings.

I do hope the orange idiot realizes that China would find having American troops on that side of her border a huge threat. Especially so considering the war muttering speeches from said orange idiot and all the wars started by America in the last few decades. Its not like America is a peace loving power- Far from it.

Has anyone else noticed that America has distanced itself from all her normal allies and China and Russia and Europe are becoming closer? This has only been happening the last few months...
A good war is always a go to for American President's- great for approval ratings.

I do hope the orange idiot realizes that China would find having American troops on that side of her border a huge threat. Especially so considering the war muttering speeches from said orange idiot and all the wars started by America in the last few decades. Its not like America is a peace loving power.

Has anyone else noticed that America has distanced itself from all her normal allies and China and Russia and Europe are becoming closer? This has only been happening the last few months...
The orange idiot did that all by himself, not the rest of the country.

When I say all by himself, I mean exactly that; hundreds of State Department positions and ambassadorships have been left unfilled, many don't even have nominees for congress to approve yet.

Dumb fuck can't even reserve a hotel room ahead of time for his overseas trips.
The orange idiot did that all by himself, not the rest of the country.

When I say all by himself, I mean exactly that; hundreds of State Department positions and ambassadorships have been left unfilled, many don't even have nominees for congress to approve yet.

Dumb fuck can't even reserve a hotel room ahead of time for his overseas trips.
I hear what your saying but The People put him in power, he represents you whether you like it or not.
Actually, yes they do according to you. You're the one with the "just scale it up" attitude, not me. If your theory holds any water (which it doens't) then it wouldn't matter what you're talking about at all.

You've already stated "just scale up a rocket". That means the rocket, engines, fuel load, all of it. If you're going to suggest that, then it would hold the same for anything at all, including the internal combustion engine.

If either one doesn't hold water, then your entire premise doesn't hold water.
I didn't say you could scale them up in a linear fashion, did I?

But once they have the technology they can design a larger one with a roughly equal PTW ratio.

There you are comparing ICE to Rocket Engines again when they're not even vaguely similar except for the fact they both combust a fuel.

Does an ICE achieve motion directly from the exhausting of the combusted oxy-fuel mixture?
I hear what your saying but The People put him in power, he represents you whether you like it or not.
Not denying that. On the other hand, I don't think he's turned out to be what those who voted for him were hoping for.

He's also created and incited a huge swath of citizens who were never particularly politically motivated before to become more actively involved. I believe this will skew much further left than the current administration so I have hope that his influence will be limited, temporary and quickly reversed when he's replaced.
Not denying that. On the other hand, I don't think he's turned out to be what those who voted for him were hoping for.

He's also created and incited a huge swath of citizens who were never particularly politically motivated before to become more actively involved. I believe this will skew much further left than the current administration so I have hope that his influence will be limited, temporary and quickly reversed when he's replaced.
This therad is about missiles, keep your usual talk elsewhere, Bernout.
I'm advocating no such thing; I'm talking about peaceful change via electing representatives who will work for We the People instead of the few and the filthy rich.

If we attempted armed insurrection we'd be mowed down like grass. Peaceful civil disobedience and working through the existing system is the only hope we have.

I did say it was a long shot, didn't I?
You are right that is how the common man has to fight. Alone we are a drop of rain together we are a hurricane
Ok back to blow it up science class. Not to be confused with the cannabis sight roll it up.
I wonder if you can use hemp oil to make rocket fuel for missiles? I wonder if the same plant used medically to heal medical patients can be used to kill people?