The DNC Reports Lowest Fundraising Since 2003

Yet you choose to ignore it and blame everything except Democratic leadership for the failures of the party..

It takes something special to lose elections against an opposition nobody likes

People would rather have something nobody likes than the Democratic alternative..

If the Democrats are so great, and Republicans are so terrible, why is this so?

How is it possible that most Americans support progressive positions yet Republicans continue to win all across the country?
Aside from the false logic that Republicans should be losing everywhere today because Trump, you do make a good point regarding the contradiction between opinion polls and how people vote. As you say, opinion polls aren't effective predictors of what voters in many states do when they vote.

I would agree with @dagwood45431 . There are many reasons why opinion polls have been so wrong recently. If you really want to get to the bottom of the reason why random surveys don't predict election results very well, below is a link to an article you might want to read for a start.
The Polling Crisis: How to Tell What People Really Think

“Polling’s going through a series of transitions. It’s more difficult to do now,” says Cliff Zukin, a political scientist at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. “The paradigm we’ve used since the 1960s has broken down and we’re evolving a new one to replace it—but we’re not there yet.”

Basically, they say that the polling process, method, questions asked, reluctance to answer honestly, even the trend away from land lines are factors that cause polling error. But I don't think you are very interested in facts or knowing much and are just asking a leading question.

The best way to predict how an electorate will vote in a given area is to look at how they have voted in recent elections. And so, it's no surprise that Democrats have lost special elections in strongly Republican-leaning areas.
Opinion polls; Gallup, Pew Research, etc.
Do we agree that opinion polls don't predict voting results with enough accuracy to call an election that is close? Let's say, within 5% one way or the other?

As far as the general opinion poll results recently, I'd say opinion polls do in fact tell us that most people on both sides want about the same thing for our society.

What are you driving at with all these leading questions?
Do we agree that opinion polls don't predict voting results with enough accuracy to call an election that is close? Let's say, within 5% one way or the other?
Yes. Do we both agree opinion polls are still a reliable indicator of what people support/oppose?
As far as the general opinion poll results recently, I'd say opinion polls do in fact tell us that most people on both sides want about the same thing for our society.
What do opinion polls tell us people in our society want/support in regards to healthcare, environmental protections, investments in infrastructure and education, etc.?
Yes. Do we both agree opinion polls are still a reliable indicator of what people support/oppose?
If opinion polls were reliable indicators for what people support/oppose wouldn't this also show in how they vote? Yet, people in most parts of the country say they support Medicaid and then voted for people who are right now trying to eliminate it.

So, no. I don't think opinion polls are a reliable indicator of what people will actively support in the form of their vote. What are your thoughts on this?

What do opinion polls tell us people in our society want/support in regards to healthcare, environmental protections, investments in infrastructure and education, etc.?

Too many bolts fired here. Cite a specific issue and a specific poll.
If opinion polls were reliable indicators for what people support/oppose wouldn't this also show in how they vote? Yet, people in most parts of the country say they support Medicaid and then voted for people who are right now trying to eliminate it.

So, no. I don't think opinion polls are a reliable indicator of what people will actively support in the form of their vote.
Why do you think someone who supports universal healthcare would vote for someone who opposes it?
What are your thoughts on this?
My thoughts are they would vote for the Republican because the Democratic opponent doesn't support universal healthcare. If neither option supports universal healthcare, what reason would they have to vote Democratic? Why vote for a moderate Democrat when you can just vote for the Republican?

There is no viable option to support universal healthcare because neither candidate supports it. If neither candidate supports it, they will simply vote along party lines, what they're used to, what they're comfortable with.

Too many bolts fired here. Cite a specific issue and a specific poll.
What do opinion polls tell us people in our society want/support in regards to healthcare?
My thoughts are they would vote for the Republican because the Democratic opponent doesn't support universal healthcare.

80-20 against universal here, meanwhile hillary took our state easily.

people like the public option and expanding medicaid to 55+. it's an easier step to walk up than universal.
they cheat
America is largely progressive when it comes to the issues, but Republicans somehow always win elections - because they cheat?

I think Americans are largely progressive when it comes to the issues, but the DNC chooses not to put up an actually progressive candidate because, nefarious or not, general Democratic strategy is to run more moderate candidates against Republicans in red districts, not more liberal ones. So voters in said districts don't have the option to vote for progressive policy positions. They have the Republican option, then they have Republican lite.
America is largely progressive when it comes to the issues, but Republicans somehow always win elections - because they cheat?

I think Americans are largely progressive when it comes to the issues, but the DNC chooses not to put up an actually progressive candidate because, nefarious or not, general Democratic strategy is to run more moderate candidates against Republicans in red districts, not more liberal ones. So voters in said districts don't have the option to vote for progressive policy positions. They have the Republican option, then they have Republican lite.

what is republican lite about a public option and expanding medicaid to those who are 55+?

especially given the republican position at the current moment is to gut medicaid, kill the medicaid expansion within the states, kick 22 million off of health insurance, eliminate essential health benefits, defund planned parenthood, get rid of pre-existing conditions coverage, and return to the era of lifetime caps, wherein they can literally stop your chemo or NICU care?

your rhetoric does not match up with facts whatsoever. it's as if you are in a cult?
what is republican lite about a public option and expanding medicaid to those who are 55+?

especially given the republican position at the current moment is to gut medicaid, kill the medicaid expansion within the states, kick 22 million off of health insurance, eliminate essential health benefits, defund planned parenthood, get rid of pre-existing conditions coverage, and return to the era of lifetime caps, wherein they can literally stop your chemo or NICU care?

your rhetoric does not match up with facts whatsoever. it's as if you are in a cult?
Are you denying you support running more moderate candidates, like Ossoff, against Republicans in red districts than more progressive ones?
America is largely progressive when it comes to the issues, but Republicans somehow always win elections - because they cheat?

I think Americans are largely progressive when it comes to the issues, but the DNC chooses not to put up an actually progressive candidate because, nefarious or not, general Democratic strategy is to run more moderate candidates against Republicans in red districts, not more liberal ones. So voters in said districts don't have the option to vote for progressive policy positions. They have the Republican option, then they have Republican lite.

But they STILL vote for the wing nuts.

Crazy, huh?

And when we get 3 million more votes, we lose.

Crazy, huh?

I like liberal candidates, unfortunately the rest of the state tends to be more moderate and flip flop from cycle to cycle.

I really don't see that pattern changing here. We aren't all as fortunate as you to live in a truly liberal state. It's a struggle here, not a breeze.
Are you denying you support running more moderate candidates, like Ossoff, against Republicans in red districts than more progressive ones?

you didn't answer the question.

what is republican lite about a public option and expanding medicaid to those who are 55+?

especially given the republican position at the current moment is to gut medicaid, kill the medicaid expansion within the states, kick 22 million off of health insurance, eliminate essential health benefits, defund planned parenthood, get rid of pre-existing conditions coverage, and return to the era of lifetime caps, wherein they can literally stop your chemo or NICU care?