The DNC Reports Lowest Fundraising Since 2003

Republicans and their proxies are only into one kind of colon...and they hate themselves for it.

Padaraper even duct tapes stuff open to see more colons.
How about a progressive message that includes a balanced budget, recognizing that whatever taxation policy we have historically had, tax income as a percent of gdp has rarely exceeded 20%, so some cuts will likely be needed? I'd be into that.

hold on, let's just abandon our base to cater to a bigoted old white fucktard whose dick doesn't work.
That's not the question he asked

"So let's say the dems decide not to take money from corporations or superpacs while the repubs still do. You think dems can match them in fundraising?"

The question is can Democratic candidates match Republicans in fundraising without accepting money from special interests

The answer is yes
Where in the country are you talking about?

It's not the same all over. Maybe in your district. Certainly not at state level. Anywhere.

Did you know that the last time Bernie managed to introduce legislation that would have repealed the Citizen's United ruling, every Democratic senator supported it. Not a single Republican supported the bill.

A few weeks later, 12 Democratic senators were voted out of office. Tell me again how accepting contributions from corporate PACs hurts a candidate's chances? For laughs, tell me how not accepting legitimate campaign donations helps the candidate more than it hurts.

For the win, tell me how a donation from a pharmaceutical company causes the candidate to become corrupted.

Oh, and name a Democratic Senator or Representative who is corrupt. Because the accusation has legal undertones, the corrupt act has to at least meet legal standards for corruption. The appearance of violating the legal standard of corruption is enough. Also, no fake news, please.

Plenty of Republicans keep turning up in the news for corruption charges and investigations. Democrats, not so much. But correct me if I'm wrong.
How about a progressive message that includes a balanced budget, recognizing that whatever taxation policy we have historically had, tax income as a percent of gdp has rarely exceeded 20%, so some cuts will likely be needed? I'd be into that.
I'd like to see that too. Also a bill like that with a chance of passing through the GOP congress. I don't care which party writes it, I'd just like to see one that could become law.
Maybe they'd be doing better if they actually supported a progressive message instead of just reminding everyone how bad Trump and the Republicans are?

You didn't even know what position the party or the candidate took and spoke about on CU. You are not a reliable judge of the Democratic message. Understand it, then criticize. Not the other way around. Thanks.
You didn't even know what position the party or the candidate took and spoke about on CU. You are not a reliable judge of the Democratic message. Understand it, then criticize. Not the other way around. Thanks.
The establishment Democratic message is that they have to take corporate bribes to compete with Republicans, just like the establishment Democrats are supporting here. They give lip service to the idea that they oppose money in politics while... accepting money from special interests.

The only way to see if they're lying is to wait until Democrats hold control of government. We'll see what they really believe soon enough, and when they don't make campaign finance reform one of their top political priorities when the time comes, what will your excuse be then? They couldn't put the political capital up? They had other more important things? We'll see..
The establishment Democratic message is that they have to take corporate bribes to compete with Republicans, just like the establishment Democrats are supporting here. They give lip service to the idea that they oppose money in politics while... accepting money from special interests.

The only way to see if they're lying is to wait until Democrats hold control of government. We'll see what they really believe soon enough, and when they don't make campaign finance reform one of their top political priorities when the time comes, what will your excuse be then? They couldn't put the political capital up? They had other more important things? We'll see..

Just a quick question.

Do you believe you still have objectivity when reviewing facts about the DNC?

Your not corrupted like a bad memory card or anything, right?

Because if you were a computer, I'd run a systems check on you based on your posts through 2015 compared to the last 18 months.

I'm not making a dig here, it's just a comparative observation.
Just a quick question.

Do you believe you still have objectivity when reviewing facts about the DNC?

Your not corrupted like a bad memory card or anything, right?

Because if you were a computer, I'd run a systems check on you based on your posts through 2015 compared to the last 18 months.

I'm not making a dig here, it's just a comparative observation.
I witnessed what the DNC did with my own eyes. Others choose to ignore it even though every measure we can look at today supports it. Lower approval numbers, now, lower levels of fundraising since 2003.. Something is obviously happening with American opinion towards the Democratic party. I suppose they would have you believe everyone has just succumbed to propaganda.. that's an easy excuse not to make any policy changes
Just a quick question.

Do you believe you still have objectivity when reviewing facts about the DNC?

Your not corrupted like a bad memory card or anything, right?

Because if you were a computer, I'd run a systems check on you based on your posts through 2015 compared to the last 18 months.

I'm not making a dig here, it's just a comparative observation.

The dude has definitely lost come clusters.
Ya think?
Yet you choose to ignore it and blame everything except Democratic leadership for the failures of the party..

It takes something special to lose elections against an opposition nobody likes

People would rather have something nobody likes than the Democratic alternative..

If the Democrats are so great, and Republicans are so terrible, why is this so?

How is it possible that most Americans support progressive positions yet Republicans continue to win all across the country?