Well-Known Member
Many plants tolerate chloride well. Mangrove is one. Cannabis isn't one. 100ppm Cl- will lock out nitrate and other monovalents. It is like feeding a starving person Metamucil ... which strikes me as wilfully cruel. ~shrug~
Sulfuric acid is not a carcinogen. Sulfate is a necessary human nutrient.
So I challenge both your arguments at the root level of the facts employed to make them.
Ok, sulfuric acid causes cancer.
It's an IARC group one classification
Nitric and phosphoric are not known to cause cancer. Only the workers that inhaled sulfuric acid got cancer. All inorganic acids are dangerous.
Just because our bodies need sulfur, doesn't mean that all of the different physical forms of sulfur are compatible with our physiology. (Like sulfuric acid, or sulfur dioxide)
Chloride is necessary for the chemical reaction that causes stomata to open and close. It's found in all plant tissue.