First Grow! : CFL/HPS 8 Plants

by the time i get that ill have a frame built or a homebox the size for it..more than likely a ill build a 6x6 frame out of 2x3s and pandafilm


Well-Known Member
yeah you think its cheaper to build one yourself or buy a homebox? seems like it would be tough without using pvc...
all you need are.4 sticks of 2x3 cut in half thats 8-4 foot 2x3s.4 more 2x3s cut it to the size you want your height and you got a nice frame..add some panda film or foam insulation and you got a homebox.the sticks of 2x3 are 2.00 each=20.00.panda film for a 3.5x4x6=20.00.all you need from there is ventilation which you can easily put a bathroomfan at the top of the frame for ventilatin.


Well-Known Member
hmm i guess thats true but what about making everything sealed up and how would you open and close it the homebox has zippers and holes and vents all over it lol
haha.dont you know you can put that same zipper on panda film and make a door of it.everything is sealed.cut holes and throw ducting its easy trust me i did it myself and im


Well-Known Member
well i must be super lazy then lol but all i needed was a small one anyway which was only $99. took like 5 minutes to set it up...
i got one 3x3 frame with panda film 6 feet high im gonna use for my flower room.i got a closet took the doors off and im using that for veg mothers and clone out of gonna build another frame for a flower room but bigger to support a 600 so i can do a sog...
cover it with panda film so lightdont leak in or out..rightnow since i have one light i use the closet as a darkroom..every 12 hrs i put my 3 plants in/out.they been flowering for like 5 days no sex wating but i got a suspect male as he is to big..
yeah it does.thats why i want my other light but then i might as well wait till they show sex so i can know which ones to keep if any...


Well-Known Member
thanks mna,it's totally air tight i cocked all the corners etc.think the hole box was like 70 give or take a few


Well-Known Member
yeah looks pretty good man. still i got mine for only 100 and was easy as shit to build lol. still nice work though...


Well-Known Member
heres a little update for today. got the digital camera so high quality pics this time :bigjoint: NL are lookin healthy, cali indicas and skywalkers coming along nicely also. its funny some of the purple wreck stems are a very dark purple/redish color and others are not. hope that means i might get some purple buds... oh also a few pics of my other plant that looks about ready to harvest by the weekend :blsmoke:

