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Criminal Minds Season 12

I used to watch that show religiously up until about season 7 or 8. It is just a little TOO dark for me to watch every week, I started getting adverse physical reactions to it. Same reason I stopped watching the news a few years ago. Since I quit, I feel much better. I think I'll start watching it again every now and then, I miss Hodges and the gang...
I used to watch that show religiously up until about season 7 or 8. It is just a little TOO dark for me to watch every week, I started getting adverse physical reactions to it. Same reason I stopped watching the news a few years ago. Since I quit, I feel much better. I think I'll start watching it again every now and then, I miss Hodges and the gang...
Yeah I refuse to watch the news as well. Just catch NPR blips as the radio is always on in the kitchen. That crime show is dark and not something to get terribly absorbed in. Guess I have an appetite for psychological thrillers and nightmares.
I've been watching Better Call Saul, best season yet. You can gauge the genius of the director when they make even mediocre actors shine. But the third season of Fargo is off the charts good. Each episode is better than most movies I watch: the music, direction, writing, cinematography, and brilliant acting blow my mind. I always had a little man crush on Ewan Mcgregor, and his role as the twin brothers is award worthy...

I loved how Fargo Season 3 played out!

I hated Nikki for half the season because I thought she was playing Ray. When she tossed that "grenade" in the cab of the semi and then later told Varga she wanted to hurt him, I fell in love with her (as much as I fell in love with Gloria from the beginning). I was fine with the ambiguous ending and found it interesting that the writers did that in response to our current post-truth/fake news situation. They could have told us exactly what happened but could we trust it if they did? Very meta, although that was a risky move and does seem to have pissed some reviewers off.
I loved how Fargo Season 3 played out!

I hated Nikki for half the season because I thought she was playing Ray. When she tossed that "grenade" in the cab of the semi and then later told Varga she wanted to hurt him, I fell in love with her (as much as I fell in love with Gloria from the beginning). I was fine with the ambiguous ending and found it interesting that the writers did that in response to our current post-truth/fake news situation. They could have told us exactly what happened but could we trust it if they did? Very meta, although that was a risky move and does seem to have pissed some reviewers off.

Me, too. Especially the very last scene with Varga. That actor is incredible. Cohens said they're not continuing the series, but they also stated that all those Fargo stories are true ;)
Maybe. Does that evoke an emotional response from you?

No, I was being ribald and dickish to keep in step with our discourse.

I don't care what you do with your body or your property, those things are up to you.

Don't you hate it when other people try to run your life and dictate how you'll treat your property? (you do have some way of getting those rump drag stains off your couch though don't you?)

"The Founder"

not a bad movie about Ray Kroc and his ascent. Definitely a lot about him I didn't know...

I fell behind watching Wimbledon, so I'm binge watching the best matches since the tournament's start. I'm watching on BBC's iPlayer, have to use my vpn on London servers for the privilege. SO much to watch (on day 5 Rafa match), I'm like a fat kid in a candy store. Not sure of the last time I showered...
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