What are you watching?

I placed it closer to 1830 ... but that is my prejudice because of the plain homage to a young Darwin.

Have you seen the excellent Horatio Hornblower series? Great reads also ... C S Forester iirc

Yeah, I've read all of those some time ago. You'd like the Kent series, I'll bet. Follows the main character from midshipman thru admiral. Also any books by Dewey Lambdin. So much 18th and 19th century naval nomenclature that I had to have two books to explain the terms: Broadsides: The Age of Fighting Sail, 1775-1815; All You Wanted to Know about 18th Century Royal Navy.
Long strange trip:. documentary tv sho
humans: sci-fi speculative fiction tv show.
timeless sci-fi fiction tv show
agents of shield: action sci-fi fiction tv show
Legion: awesome marvel mutant story fiction tv show
better call Saul: drama fiction tv show
lethal weapon: drama, comedy, cop, fiction tv show
sense8: examines human connection and extra human ability deals with contemporary issues in a fiction tv show
Rick & Morty: adult cartoon, comedy, sci-fi, fantasy , trippy
mr. pickles: adult cartoon about an evil(?) dog and his average family, trippy
last man on earth: comedy
Farscape: space adventure, sci-fi ,fiction tv show
Sliders: sci-fi fiction tv show, each episode a new trip
Star Trek
Black Mirror: British twilight zone, more speculative fiction with substance, deals with contemporary issues, fiction tv show

various documentaries
speakers writers media annalists and teachers online
music videos
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I've been watching Better Call Saul, best season yet. You can gauge the genius of the director when they make even mediocre actors shine. But the third season of Fargo is off the charts good. Each episode is better than most movies I watch: the music, direction, writing, cinematography, and brilliant acting blow my mind. I always had a little man crush on Ewan Mcgregor, and his role as the twin brothers is award worthy...

Trailor park boys podcast on youtube. Such dumbasses it cracks me up.

Latest1.. Have you ever smoked a joint through your peehole?
Trevor smokes joints through his peehole
Corey blows him supers, you get extra fecked.
I just watched that movie too.
Holy shit dude, it's non-stop kill kill kill. Love it. John wick #1 x's 100.
The accountant is a good one too. Check that one out if you haven't already.

he also utilizes Paul Castle's Center Axis Relock (CAR) CQB technique which you hardly ever see demonstrated in the movies. I guess Reeves is actually a pretty fair pistol shot IRL, too.

been binge re-watching ER, up to season 5 now. I'd forgotton some of the episodes were real tear jerkers. Mom begging son not to put her in a nursing home hit close to home :(