Want to use mylar

Flat white paint is way better, easier, cheaper & doesn't make noise like mylar does when you blow a fan on it.
Forget mylar - a complete pita to install & hard to clean when you need to disinfect if you get the Borg.
Well white paint might be easier but its isnt as reflective as mylar, if you put up mylar correctly then you will have no problems, but white paint is much cheaper.
they are pretty cheap and reliable
i used mylar ballons i turned them inside out make that bitch shine.


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i got my mylar at htg supply. i bought a 150' roll. when it gets dirty, tear it down and put some more up. only about 50 bucks for the big roll or you can pay 35 at your local store for 50'.
I would love to get some panda mylar but it's not easy to come by around here. Well it is but I'm lazy to drive and order online. I went to a $1 store, they have shinny wrapping paper stuff. Like the stuff you would wrap a present in. It's outside is colored but the inside is mirrored. $1 per roll and it's about 8 ft long and 2.5 ft wide. Works nice.
Well white paint might be easier but its isnt as reflective as mylar, if you put up mylar correctly then you will have no problems, but white paint is much cheaper.
they are pretty cheap and reliable

Actually Mylar and Flat white paint have roughly the same amount of reflectivity.

Panda film is easy to work with, easy to clean and nicely reflective AND you can reuse it if you have to reconstruct your grow space, unlike Mylar.

The white paint will do fine.

Make sure to disinfect your grow space properly between grows too.

Actually Mylar and Flat white paint have roughly the same amount of reflectivity.

Where did you get that information? Mylar is 95% reflective, FWP is 70% reflective. Mylar is 25% more reflective.

But mylar also reflects more heat. If you have heat issues, FWP might be better, otherwise I'd always go w/Mylar personally.
what is panda film, i've never heard of it, will have to do some more research. i want to get the best value for my $$$$
panda film is slang for black and white poly. most merchants sell it under the title, "black and white poly." White side towards the plants for reflective quality.
You can also purchase foam insulation board in 8’ x 4’ sheets from the building supply store. Generally they are white on one side and foil on the other. They can be cut to size with an exacto knife and pieced together with duct tape. You can put up an entire grow room in minutes that is not only reflective, but also light tight and will contain your Co2. Cuts down noise as well. It comes in ¼ inch to 2 inch thick sheets and is wonderful to work with. $4 to $12 a sheet depending on thickness. Paint the floors