Want to use mylar

In all honesty you can think this shit to death. Make your walls reflective and paint the floor white with a good floor paint. It is going to be far more important how much light you put on the top of the plants. It’s all about lumens, the closer you can get your lights to the top of your plants the better off you’re going to be. I’ve been doing this for forty years and can tell you that not a single person here could tell the difference of a plant grown in a Mylar room, one painted white, or one with foam board. I prefer the board because it’s easy up, easy down, and cheap. Mylar won’t keep Co2 in a room or cold/hot out. Go with the board.
As long as you have decent reflectivity you’ll be fine. A very small percentage of yields will be coming from below, use those stalks for clones and concentrate your efforts on the top side. Train the lower branches to rise and give them enough space to get some light.
All about the lumens.
I use Panda film but from time to time I wonder how it would be if I used Mylar but am way to lazy to try. Anyway Mylar or Panda film or insulated reflective covering are all found cheap on E-bay. Thats where I got my PF and they have Mylar. Good luck PS. Half the price of my Hydro store.
you can get everything off the net than alocal hydro stroe..they charge way tomuch for mini 150 system they want 250 i bout my 400 for half of that..
mylar has a good 20-25% reflective increase over whit paint. i use white paint myself though atm.
One last thing I thought of using the Foam insulated sheets. It is alum. foil on one side. I asked a few people on here about it and got a lot of horror stories on how it can burn plants and foil can eat light. Iam not sure but didn't want to take any chances on my payed for seeds. I did buy some but used it on my ceiling, I had read it can reduce heat signatures from the DEA. I used it 4 layers thick and brought it down a foot on all sides. Helped to reduce some of my "growing" Paranoia.
I haven't heard much about ebay, but I have heard enough to keep me away from it for anything to specific like mylar or hid's. I have heard paypal is what you need to be careful with, but ebay and paypal are the same company anyway.

they say if water is clean enough to drink then it's clean enough for growing. tin foil is clean enough to eat off of, so it must be good for growing too. it's so logical! kidding, avoid it. it's bad.

I prefer flat white oil based paint. it's pretty durable, reflective, easy to clean, and more permanent. if it's one less thing for me to worry about, then I'm that much more happy with the room. :bigjoint:
You can also purchase foam insulation board in 8’ x 4’ sheets from the building supply store. Generally they are white on one side and foil on the other. They can be cut to size with an exacto knife and pieced together with duct tape. You can put up an entire grow room in minutes that is not only reflective, but also light tight and will contain your Co2. Cuts down noise as well. It comes in ¼ inch to 2 inch thick sheets and is wonderful to work with. $4 to $12 a sheet depending on thickness. Paint the floors

very cool idea, and itll help for winter
In all honesty you can think this shit to death. Make your walls reflective and paint the floor white with a good floor paint. It is going to be far more important how much light you put on the top of the plants. It’s all about lumens, the closer you can get your lights to the top of your plants the better off you’re going to be. I’ve been doing this for forty years and can tell you that not a single person here could tell the difference of a plant grown in a Mylar room, one painted white, or one with foam board. I prefer the board because it’s easy up, easy down, and cheap. Mylar won’t keep Co2 in a room or cold/hot out. Go with the board.
As long as you have decent reflectivity you’ll be fine. A very small percentage of yields will be coming from below, use those stalks for clones and concentrate your efforts on the top side. Train the lower branches to rise and give them enough space to get some light.
All about the lumens.
thank you. sounds like the most sensible thing to do.:weed: