DIY Samsung LM561C build

Has anyone ever heard of/ordered from

It appears that they have 700+ pieces of the new double-row 3000k fseries strips in the 56cm length. >>>LINK

They also have the single row version for $10 which is what I'm going to attempt to order this afternoon.


Yepp, digikey has also 3.5k and 5k double row f-series strips in stock(150) but unfortunately not the single row ones. Seems they finally comes available.
But significantly more expensive on digikey..
Samsung is here naysayers go somewhere else and spread your fear. The Chinese are no different than any other businessperson to suggest such is racist and you have no proof
Jerry is not the exception to the rule he is the standard. So please take your fear elsewhere. Americans are their own biggest threat called profiteering what salesman here do best.
The competition is here now lets see you folks compete with their products on price not racism or patriotism. I am building lights from the same place you salesman buy your parts go suck eggs stop spreading fear to buy from your friends only just stop people are not stupid. You have not bought anything just hype fear and talk. I bought and am happy with the outcome. Cheaper than dealing with you guys. $100 for two 5m rolls of 5000k and 3500k plus s&h $60 for flat aluminum stock no pcb required. I can build a 384 Samsung diode fixture with no pcb and cc driver


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I've experienced Chinese doing very submissive but if they can they give a shit on you!
There is unfortunately no way to verify a built-in 5630 chip and usually their strips consists of so-called 5630 or 5730 from Epileds not from Samsung!
Of course, they could actually use SM561c if they wanted, but a first board test from Cobby shows that they probably do not.
I know that @OLD MOTHER SATIVA has already spoken with his seller because of the results and that the dealer wants to send new 6x22" board samples! The seller swear it up and down it were real 561c diodes, Lol!
Maybe the new ones will be better(with real 561c) and on par with the QB's, but for now I stay warily against this seller...

Not all Chinese suppliers are as serious as Jerry, unfortunately ... Many of them have to learn that they do better business when they work seriously and some backyard manufacturers never learn it.
Have you ever bought one of these chinese multichip bulbs aka cornbulbs? They do not even hold 2 months because of the unspeakably poor quality of the used components...
They do not even hold 1000h although they are given with 50,000h.
Flashlights and headlights are not grow light material sorry
Too simplify design, a segment consists of 7 leds and is 4" long and has a total Vf of 20.3v. Just add enough segments in series to create a string and repeat until you run out of mA at 200mA pet string
When Jerry's cobs were tested, their output matched cobs sourced from stateside suppliers. There was a lot of suspicion that Jerry's wouldn't until they were tested.

When @OLD MOTHER SATIVA had his boards tested by @CobKits, they did not perform as advertised.

It is not racism to assume that there will be some dishonesty in a largely unregulated market. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that when I order a samsung product off of arrow or mouser or digikey, a samsung product is what will arrive in the mail. You cannot say the same until you are able to verify the output. Sorry but "my plants like it" is not going to cut the mustard here.

You act like a cornered animal every time anyone says anything contrary to your viewpoint and its not a good look. You dont see @Baudelaire (had samsung strips made) or @OLD MOTHER SATIVA (had strips samsung made) behaving like you when someone mentions that they are going to exercise caution.

Namaste bud. Maybe you should spend a little more time on the yoga mat and take a break from whatever is making you act like an asshat in public.

Jerry from Kingbright is on Alibaba everyone's favorite cob supplier so the Alibaba is a myth. Got my second order just like the first. Perhaps you have not paid for your order.
"I know that @OLD MOTHER SATIVA has already spoken with his seller because of the results and that the dealer wants to send new 6x22" board samples! The seller swear it up and down it were real 561c diodes, Lol!
Maybe the new ones will be better(with real 561c) and on par with the QB's, but for now I stay warily against this seller..."

>i am trusting to a fault sometimes..i hope the next incarnation with be more efficient..

"The seller swear it up and down it were real 561c diodes, Lol!"<<<<----yeh that is a bit hard to digest....

but yeh things are growing awesome..but it appears by the tests they could be more awesome i move it 1/2" closer
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When Jerry's cobs were tested, their output matched cobs sourced from stateside suppliers. There was a lot of suspicion that Jerry's wouldn't until they were tested.

When @OLD MOTHER SATIVA had his boards tested by @CobKits, they did not perform as advertised.

It is not racism to assume that there will be some dishonesty in a largely unregulated market. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that when I order a samsung product off of arrow or mouser or digikey, a samsung product is what will arrive in the mail. You cannot say the same until you are able to verify the output. Sorry but "my plants like it" is not going to cut the mustard here.

You act like a cornered animal every time anyone says anything contrary to your viewpoint and its not a good look. You dont see @Baudelaire (had samsung strips made) or @OLD MOTHER SATIVA (had strips samsung made) behaving like you when someone mentions that they are going to exercise caution.

Namaste bud. Maybe you should spend a little more time on the yoga mat and take a break from whatever is making you act like an asshat in public.
Got my chips from elsewhere chill yourself. These chips have not been tested by Cobkits I offered the link for him Roget is the real deal. Samsung chips for real. Without solid data you cannot say strip are fake just your opinion. Stop spreading fear. It seems fear is the new community approach. Learn respect. Namaste means I respect you not apparant in your words or dialig. Go work for HLG GG and GM elsewhere
When Jerry's cobs were tested, their output matched cobs sourced from stateside suppliers. There was a lot of suspicion that Jerry's wouldn't until they were tested.

When @OLD MOTHER SATIVA had his boards tested by @CobKits, they did not perform as advertised.

It is not racism to assume that there will be some dishonesty in a largely unregulated market. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that when I order a samsung product off of arrow or mouser or digikey, a samsung product is what will arrive in the mail. You cannot say the same until you are able to verify the output. Sorry but "my plants like it" is not going to cut the mustard here.

You act like a cornered animal every time anyone says anything contrary to your viewpoint and its not a good look. You dont see @Baudelaire (had samsung strips made) or @OLD MOTHER SATIVA (had strips samsung made) behaving like you when someone mentions that they are going to exercise caution.

Namaste bud. Maybe you should spend a little more time on the yoga mat and take a break from whatever is making you act like an asshat in public.
That would be your behavior chill and do some yoga I don't do yoga. You are so assumptive and judgemental you must work for the regular bums here you know the disrespect crew
Got my chips from elsewhere chill yourself. These chips have not been tested by Cobkits I offered the link for him Roget is the real deal. Samsung chips for real. Without solid data you cannot say strip are fake just your opinion. Stop spreading fear. It seems fear is the new community approach. Learn respect. Namaste means I respect you not apparant in your words or dialig. Go work for HLG GG and GM elsewhere
But how do you KNOW they are 561Cs? Could be fake news!
I'm sorry you can't understand how delicious this irony is...

I have no par meter or watt meter....

These are the real deal.
You are so assumptive

For the record I've never bought a QB, growmau kit or PLC lamp of any kind. Ive built every LED rig I've used out of components I pounced on when the price was right, through a vendor who offered me more than a wink and a handshake.

I dont give a shit about Roget's follow up. The truth is you have no idea if what you have is the genuine're just hoping that your buddy Roget isnt bending you over and until you have proof all you have is his word and your hope and neither is worth much to me.
You dont see @Baudelaire (had samsung strips made)

One thing to keep in mind is that @OLD MOTHER SATIVA has not mentioned their supplier. I am as wary as anyone of Chinese suppliers - it's a trust-then-verify situation. There is a different culture of business there that is much more caveat emptor than Japan or Korea, or the US. I don't think it's racist to acknowledge it, and downright foolish to ignore it.

But Alibaba is just a Chinese online market for manufacturers and importers. It's silly to tar every seller there with the same brush. The fact is Samsung is selling more pre-fab LM561C chips than fabricated PCBs, so they are in the market. Roget claims to be one of many authorized resellers. The HLG guys claim they have sourced their chips from authorized suppliers, and in their recent dust-up with a would-be competitor revealed they used a Chinese fabricator that is listed on Alibaba. As with so many things LED right now, all roads lead to and from China, and Alibaba is the road map.

So, I trust that this Roget may be selling legit flexi-strips of LM561Cs. But I think it is incumbent upon anyone who would resell SMD arrays using those chips to verify it through independent means, either via Samsung corporate, independent inspection (nothing about these chips IDs them?), or lab testing. Lab testing and publication of results before resale should be a de minimus expectation. It will be for my strips for sure. I give @OLD MOTHER SATIVA the credit for putting his to the test and letting the "chips" fall where they may.

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I finished my second fixture. After plugging it in I realized I reversed polarity on the connecton and blew out one parallel string. But all else is installed and working around 200w again with dimming to 10%. I get my meanwell drivers from trcelectronics and they send me the most current stock meanwell direct us based low shipping costs under $12 and if they don't have it on stock they get it and ship it.