122 F or 50 C in Arizona Today!




That gif is convincing

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he says the warming is real and humans cause it though.
No he most certainly didn't. Read the Wikipedia entry. I posted it for a reason, that being you shooting off at the lip.

I happen to agree with you in that I'm quite certain that he was wrong and that anthropogenic climate change due mainly to increased atmospheric CO2 is the cause of global warming.

That said, you asked for a serious climate scientist who didn't believe it and I gave you one.
human activities are the cause of that recent dramatic uptick in CO2.
Agreed, and it's the mechanism by which our planet is warming and sea levels are rising.

To all the deniers out there, I challenge you to explain how the of billions of tons of CO2 generated by humans and vented into the atmosphere would NOT have the effect we're all seeing now?
When you can make a man believe something he knows isn't true you have him by the balls.
John Updike said something very similar in reference to the company cutting his paycheck.

The Jungle, classic American literature that Americans to this day refuse to learn from.
John Updike said something very similar in reference to the company cutting his paycheck.

The Jungle, classic American literature that Americans to this day refuse to learn from.

That is something I started thinking shortly after becoming a profitable tax ID number.

Hence the avatar.

Upton Sinclair?
Somehow that book was missed, the more I read the more I find to read.

Snowballs downhill and all that.

Thanks for the heads up!