122 F or 50 C in Arizona Today!

But it's a DRY heat!

At least that's what most folks who live in the desert say. :lol:

I've noticed that it is more comfortable in 110 degrees with 15 percent humidity, like in the desert, than in 90 degrees with 90 percent humidity, like it is in the Midwest.

Ill take the humidity.... Last time i was in Vegas it was like 101 at 10 at night... At least in Humid areas it cools down at night. Owe and no chapped lips ..
Wrong as usual, young Man. In the Midwest when it is 100 degrees, it will still be 90 degrees at 10 PM. And the humidity is what really makes it unbearable. I know you have humidity in Florida, but you live near the big pond so there is always a breeze.

Im in Florida. Out here it hits 90+ with up to 100% humidity however once the sun goes down it settles into the mid to lower 80's. Nice and comfy. In the dry heat areas it is HOT during the day and night and it sucks a lot.

are you still celebrating that meaningless PR move?

most states and cities are just gonna follow along with the paris accord anyway, and we can't even pull out until our new president-elect is chosen, and they will reverse his retarded decision immediately.

it is so easy to dupe retarded nazis, i should start some kind of an organization just to prove how easy it is.
are you still celebrating that meaningless PR move?

most states and cities are just gonna follow along with the paris accord anyway, and we can't even pull out until our new president-elect is chosen, and they will reverse his retarded decision immediately.

it is so easy to dupe retarded nazis, i should start some kind of an organization just to prove how easy it is.

Cool, cities and states can do as they please without the accord. It's not even needed then.
Unless of course it's the $$$ that's needed. I wonder how many billions the cities and states will voluntarily contribute to the accord?
My guess-$0.00
Cool, cities and states can do as they please without the accord. It's not even needed then.
Unless of course it's the $$$ that's needed. I wonder how many billions the cities and states will voluntarily contribute to the accord?
My guess-$0.00

still harping on that david duke conspiracy theory about global warming? sad.

it's a much better use of money than building a wall, which can be defeated by a $20 ladder.

this is where i point out that you are a retard who is governed by fear and bigotry rather than reason.
still harping on that david duke conspiracy theory about global warming? sad.

it's a much better use of money than building a wall, which can be defeated by a $20 ladder.

this is where i point out that you are a retard who is governed by fear and bigotry rather than reason.

I'm just curious. The learned doctors of atmospheric science that posit theories counter to MMGW- Do you believe these gentlemen subscribe to David Dukes conspiracy theory concerning global warming?
Did I just turn on FOX News?

122 is just the beginning of Summer, you have absolutely no idea if you have never lived there. I've ridden bicycles in Arizona in that same heat, prepare yourself.. still, normal.

"Everything in Arizona is trying to kill you." - AZ Locals

Did I just turn on FOX News?

122 is just the beginning of Summer, you have absolutely no idea if you have never lived there. I've ridden bicycles in Arizona in that same heat, prepare yourself.. still, normal.

"Everything in Arizona is trying to kill you." - AZ Locals


You can ride a bike:clap:
It's currently 119 where I am. In the next few hours it should reach 120ish.

I pray to the lord that God gave me a pool. Thank you lord baby jesus for my pool.

doesn't it feel nice around midnight when it's only 100 degrees out?

i remember it feeling pretty nice.