122 F or 50 C in Arizona Today!

if said people existed you could name them but they do not exist so you cannot.

oh, and sessions lawyered up too.

You are utterly retarded. Do you not know nobody takes you seriously? Why bother wasting your time writing something out? Do you not understand efficiency? Be efficient, stop writing things down, go play in traffic.

Just curious. When you Dutch rudder each other do you both use right hands? Or do you mix it up? Left and Right?
Eat shit or cite dipshit

nah, the burden of proof is on you. you made the claim that "learned doctors of atmospheric science" who say that the global warming we are experiencing is not manmade exist.

so it is on you to name them, not on me to list every single person on earth with a doctorate in atmospheric sciences and list their position on the manmade global warming we are experiencing.
nah, the burden of proof is on you. you made the claim that "learned doctors of atmospheric science" who say that the global warming we are experiencing is not manmade exist.

so it is on you to name them, not on me to list every single person on earth with a doctorate in atmospheric sciences and list their position on the manmade global warming we are experiencing.

Your logic is tiny. Inconsequential. Like your dick.
yes, please do name all of the "learned doctors of atmospheric science" who say that the global warming we are experiencing is not manmade.

nazi retard.

I actually do know one; Dr William Gray, PhD climate scientist at Colorado State University department of atmospheric science, died in April 2016. His assertion was that natural cycling of the sun's output had more to do with global warming than anything humans were doing.

For what it's worth, other scientists both at CSU and down the road at NCAR- that's the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado- ran lots of models and did research to find support for this theory and they found nothing they could use to back it up. In other words, his myth was busted.

Dr Gray was very well known in states around the Gulf of Mexico and up the eastern seaboard for his annual hurricane forecasts. His predictions were among the first to take the El nino/la Nina cycles into account.
Istvan Marko

degree is in organic chemistry, acknowledges human role in warming, works for breitbart (LOL)

J. Scott Armstrong

degree is in business management (LOL), works for the heartland institute (LOL)

William M. Briggs

degree is in statistics, runs a right wing blog (LOL)

Kesten Green

degree is in business management (LOL), publishrs a blog funded by tobacco companies (LOL)

Hermann Harde

degree is in physics, claims the jump to 410+ PPM CO2 is "mostly natural" (LOL)

David R. Legates

hey, you finally found a climatologist. too bad he acknowledges manmade global warming.

Screenshot 2017-06-24 at 1.18.04 AM.png

Christopher Monckton of Brenchley

degree is in journalism (LOL), acknowledges manmade global warming.

“Yes, there is a greenhouse effect. Yes, CO2 contributes to it. Yes, it causes warming. Yes, we emit CO2. Yes, warming will result. But not a lot.” [9]

Willie Soon

degree is in physics, funded by the koch brothers, american petroleum institute, and heartland institute (LOL)

You feckless cunt

i'll keep waiting for a single "learned doctor of atmospheric science" who denies the warming is manmade.

limp dick nazi.

I actually do know one; Dr William Gray, PhD climate scientist at Colorado State University department of atmospheric science, died in April 2016. His assertion was that natural cycling of the sun's output had more to do with global warming than anything humans were doing.

For what it's worth, other scientists both at CSU and down the road at NCAR- that's the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado- ran lots of models and did research to find support for this theory and they found nothing they could use to back it up. In other words, his myth was busted.

Dr Gray was very well known in states around the Gulf of Mexico and up the eastern seaboard for his annual hurricane forecasts. His predictions were among the first to take the El nino/la Nina cycles into account.

he says the warming is real and humans cause it though.

degree is in organic chemistry, acknowledges human role in warming, works for breitbart (LOL)

degree is in business management (LOL), works for the heartland institute (LOL)

degree is in statistics, runs a right wing blog (LOL)

degree is in business management (LOL), publishrs a blog funded by tobacco companies (LOL)

degree is in physics, claims the jump to 410+ PPM CO2 is "mostly natural" (LOL)

hey, you finally found a climatologist. too bad he acknowledges manmade global warming.

View attachment 3966149

degree is in journalism (LOL), acknowledges manmade global warming.

“Yes, there is a greenhouse effect. Yes, CO2 contributes to it. Yes, it causes warming. Yes, we emit CO2. Yes, warming will result. But not a lot.” [9]

degree is in physics, funded by the koch brothers, american petroleum institute, and heartland institute (LOL)

i'll keep waiting for a single "learned doctor of atmospheric science" who denies the warming is manmade.

limp dick nazi.

You can believe CO2 controls earths temperature.
Bruce Jenner believes he's a woman.

The sun controls earths earths climate.
Caitlyn Jenner's a man.
You're claiming CO2 controls Earths climate?

