Employer Hasn't paid up


Well-Known Member
So I tried out this new job and didn't like it so I quit after the second day. It's been 3 weeks and they still haven't mailed my damn check. Is there anything I can do to fuck with em?
Hey dude. Sorry but not every job is what it's made out to be and there is nothing wrong with leaving a place that ur not happy with haha.
Because it's illegal not to pay your employees, regardless of how long they worked for you. If the guy worked 16 hours, he should get paid for 16 hours.

I guess since this is a MJ forum everyone wants to assume I'm a lazy stoner who only wanted to put in 2 days but in reality I just need fair compensation and have a full time work history since 16 haha
I just gave a stupid comment back. Last I knew using lol and haha were simple ways to express emotion in a message but apparently it is now a acronym only used by the un educated with a poor wok ethic.

Why don't u go pay ur moms cable bill and go back to free living lol
And they told me after they hired me that they mandated Saturday's
So you didn't find out all the details of the job before taking it? If they did drop that on you after hiring, just refuse, tell them it's breech of contract and you'll contact the AG over employment fraud. Or you coulda just said "sure whatever", the not showed up on Saturdays. You woulda got more than 2 days pay.
The employer probably figures that you're so completely worthless by being expected to actually work and quitting after two days because of it, that there's no way on this earth you'd be man enough to come down there and ask for what is owed you.

It appears as though he was right.
Actually it's a woman lol and that's not a problem id do that in a second. Damn I think all u guys r insecure and lash out and try to belittle others to make urself feel better about yourself. Kudos jackass
hey guys. Just got a full time job at a farm locally. Gonna be doing the lawn and weeding flower beds and the vegetable garden . I also got to do maintainence on the mowers and fences.

My rate is only 11 a hr. What do employers actually expect from someone getting paid state minimum (just about) when there are so many expectations ? Are they looking for bare minimum work here in just trying to view it there way