Employer Hasn't paid up

Look into state laws. I know in my state it used to be you can demand payment when you quit and they had to cut a check. Most people don't know this. The loophole was if you didn't demand it right then and left, they had something like 3 months to pay you after that before it became a legal issue.

I went through it when I quit the body shop I worked at. Demanded my pay, he refused, I called the AG from his office phone, they told him to pay up or face legal repercussions. I walked out with a check. You let people take advantage, they're going to take as much as they can get. Coersion works.
Look into state laws. I know in my state it used to be you can demand payment when you quit and they had to cut a check. Most people don't know this. The loophole was if you didn't demand it right then and left, they had something like 3 months to pay you after that before it became a legal issue.

It's similar in Georgia. The problem is, that Georgia is an "at will" state, so you can quit without notice and they can fire you without notice for any reason or no reason at all.

That said, if you quit and walk off the job, they have no obligation to pay you until the next pay cycle.

If they fire you, they must have your separation notice and your final check in hand when they do so.
If you are looking for a gravy job , be sure to apply at a gravy factory.

All you've done is waste the employers time and resources , and come to think of it you wasted our time too. So it looks like you got more than you deserve ( a chance to prove you are worth hiring ) .

And if you think I'm wrong go and start your own business and try to hire good people . Then and then only will you be able to judge . Until then I hear there is space for more tents over near Walmart.
So I tried out this new job and didn't like it so I quit after the second day. It's been 3 weeks and they still haven't mailed my damn check. Is there anything I can do to fuck with em?

I know this sounds crazy but, try this give them a call on the telephone and ask
I know it's a long shot but give it a try

I know this sounds crazy but, try this give them a call on the telephone and ask
I know it's a long shot but give it a try

that should go well,
yes, this is the guy that you chose over 20 other applicants for a job. I worked 2 days for you, probably just standing around trying to figure out what is going on, and I would like to know where my money is,PLEASE.
You've lost more money in the 3 weeks you been sitting around waiting for your check if two days....just find another job a lazy hippy
First call the payroll department and ask them if the check has been cut yet. If not, when will it be cut. If they don't give you an acceptable answer apologize and say you don't want to go through the hassle of contacting the Department of Labor and Industry. You would prefer that you received the check in the next three days.
That should do the trick.