Hawaii defies Trump, upholds Paris Accord goals.

He's just like you...

He quotes some outlier "against the common knowledge" study to support his views just like you do.

Are you saying that is an unacceptable basis for a belief?

heckler has quoted no studies whatsoever. he thinks CO2 is not a greenhouse gas. even lindzen calls that "nutty", and he's one of the worst deniers out there.
He's just like you...

He quotes some outlier "against the common knowledge" study to support his views just like you do.

Are you saying that is an unacceptable basis for a belief?
You seem really upset about me proving unequivocally that your support and defense of Adolf Hitler was based on fallacies.
hmm, sneekybitch has also cited absolutely nothing, curious...
Dude it's pretty common knowledge supporting what I've been saying, the roles are literally reversed, you're the climate denialist in that discussion.

I've even cited numbers, over 500 private businesses absorbed into a well known state controlled conglomerate and you've cited nothing but an unpublished joke paper.

I still fail to see how saying Hitler took state control of strategic resources to support his war machine and attempted destruction of the Jewish people is supporting/defending him?

Seems to me to be more of an unbiased statement of fact.

I support the nationalization of many industries in this country today, this doesn't mean I support when Hitler did it or his reasoning for doing it.
Analogies are too difficult for you apparently...

You cry alot for someone who needs to insult their way out of debates.
You lost the debate, that's why you switched threads and are trying to derail this one and adding insults. You project exactly like an alt-right fuckboi.
You utterly and completely lost the debate, that's why you stopped responding on not one thread but two over it, yet continually resurrect it on other threads where people can't see how badly you've failed to make any useful arguments.
I've become convinced you're either too dense or trolling at this point so yeah, fuck that.
I've become convinced you're either too dense or trolling at this point so yeah, fuck that.
Not really. You just got really butthurt because I said you sounded like a Trump supporter when you said you were sick of PC liberals taking offense at bigoted and racist remarks. Ever since then you have followed me around picking little squabbles and I actually turn them into debates, win them and then in every single instance, without exception, you start throwing insults. Of course I am not only better than you at debating and citing my premises, I am immensely better than you at insulting so I respond and then you get all butt hurt cry about it.

I mean really, what did you expect after sounding like a Trump supporter and then following me in 3 different threads to revive the Hitler debate where you swear he wasn't a fascist but was actually a socialist? Quit crying snowflake.
It stands to reason; Hawaii is a bunch of islands that can see the effects of sea level rise and pollution up close and personally, because it's difficult to throw things away when there isn't space for it.
I apologize for not responding to this but a few butthurt alt-right fuckbois were trying to derail the thread.

Well yes I would think it does stand to reason but then one must consider Florida, where Scott has basically decreed that no gov't employee in the state may utter the phrase 'climate change'. I think there is more to it. I think the right has generally rejected science. Hawaii is pretty progressive.
I apologize for not responding to this but a few butthurt alt-right fuckbois were trying to derail the thread.

Well yes I would think it does stand to reason but then one must consider Florida, where Scott has basically decreed that no gov't employee in the state may utter the phrase 'climate change'. I think there is more to it. I think the right has generally rejected science. Hawaii is pretty progressive.
The right rejects anything that gets in the way of profits for their donors. Facts, history, science, the Word of God- all are suspect if they threaten corporate profits.

That's why campaign finance is an existential threat to our nation and even the world.

America has become the oligarchical aristocracy our forefathers got into leaky wooden boats blown by the wind to a dangerous New World specifically to get away from.
I apologize for not responding to this but a few butthurt alt-right fuckbois were trying to derail the thread.

Well yes I would think it does stand to reason but then one must consider Florida, where Scott has basically decreed that no gov't employee in the state may utter the phrase 'climate change'. I think there is more to it. I think the right has generally rejected science. Hawaii is pretty progressive.
Let's move on, shall we?

So...polar bears, what are they gonna do in 100 years?