Hawaii defies Trump, upholds Paris Accord goals.

This planet needs a good cleansing. Over population will be our biggest downfall. We need to stop saving everyone.
What we need is, Quit Multiplying like Rabbits.

Quit the pollution of our Planet.

Quit with the Arguing and try and get along for the better of our Planet.

If anyone out here thinks pulling back on the EPA is a good Idea, You're Nutz. Do you think making money is more important than keeping our Air,Water and land Clean ?

Why is Trump so hell bent on undoing everything our last POTUS did ? My answer is, He is a big man child that is holding a serious grudge about Obama and his birther Bullshit and anything he has done.

As a President he should be trying to Unite People, But Trump has everyone fighting, not trying to get along. Saying the Dems are fighting us all the way, Do you really think anyone would be fighting him if he were doing the right thing?

I am afraid we have been set back 50 years or more, just look at that cabinet hardly any young persons except for one or two. We need young minds not old thoughts.
Also in Hawaii; the first and longest continuously running atmospheric CO2 monitoring station.


Link to CO2 monitoring page and discussion of the Keeling curve, named after the scientist who originally set up the CO2 observatory on the mountain. His son now manages the project.

Today's reading; 409.21ppm of Atmospheric CO2, very close to the highest ever recorded earlier this spring.

Keeling curve since inception;
View attachment 3959543

It's risen over 28% in just my lifetime.
Anyone see a trend?
Thank goodness the CO2 impact on warming is a logarithmic function! Scary modeling levels only get reached if water vapor is truly a positive feedback variable, which is a big unknown. Curiously, water vapor feedback is the most sensitive variable in the climate models and also least understood. What a statistical modeler like myself calls a strong basis for an EAP (Electronic Ass Pull) model. LOL
you're a brainwashed retard.

CO2 is at levels not seen in 800,000+ years and CO2 is indeed a greenhouse gas, hence the global warming we are currently witnessing and which you are currently trying to deny, like some kind of brainwashed retard.
I'd say you are confused, but you know my position on AGW and misstate it intentionally. Oh well, not my problem! Peace to you!
Thank goodness the CO2 impact on warming is a logarithmic function! Scary modeling levels only get reached if water vapor is truly a positive feedback variable, which is a big unknown. Curiously, water vapor feedback is the most sensitive variable in the climate models and also least understood. What a statistical modeler like myself calls a strong basis for an EAP (Electronic Ass Pull) model. LOL
Umm, wow. What part of water vapor being a greenhouse gas don't you understand? It's been pretty well understood for about 200 years. Not by you, I guess.

Care to post something that contains your misinformation?