What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
My dads an old man who never even smoked a joint and i was disabled in iraq. Discrinating against cryples makes you a hypocrite. Youve lost all respect
your dad is 62, so he went to iraq as a battle soldier at the age of 49 (at youngest)?


your whole family is composed of lazy brokedicks dependent on government checks. and you are a drug addict. own it.


Well-Known Member
inter-generational welfare sponges, addicted to drugs.

you are perfectly able-bodied and can work but choose not to, and get a free government check instead.

ya know what that's called? welfare.
Say what you want about me but my father paid taxes and SS his whole life and never did drugs. He first became disable 18 years ago working in the factories. Hes no spounge.


Well-Known Member
Say what you want about me but my father paid taxes and SS his whole life and never did drugs. He first became disable 18 years ago working in the factories. Hes no spounge.
you just said he was disabled in iraq, not a factory.

and what he does has no bearing on you. you are able-bodied anx can work, but instead you choose to suck up federal dollars and waste them on crack. you are a fucking welfare leech.


Well-Known Member
you just said he was disabled in iraq, not a factory.

and what he does has no bearing on you. you are able-bodied anx can work, but instead you choose to suck up federal dollars and waste them on crack. you are a fucking welfare leech.
No i said i was disabled in iraq. Wered you learn to read?


Well-Known Member
Fucking cool shit. Just in the last 6 or so months, i type in my grandpas name and way more shit come up. Pretty cool. My grandpa grew up in Beverly Hills. The very next football captain of their highschool right after George reeves. They don't say anything about the Bataan squadron he flew. If you don't believe me, i show some other shit.
So if that isn't bad enough. Dude came home under 100lb's. had to spend a whole year in the VA for hella bad TB. I have all 3 of his stamp collection books.

The guy went on to serve 2 yrs in the Korean. Spent the rest of his life delivering mail.
I grew up with him right down the street from me. Such a cool man. God dam. Sorry for the rant
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Well-Known Member
Fucking cool shit. Just in the last 6 or so months, i type in my grandpas name and way more shit come up. Pretty cool. My grandpa grew up in Beverly Hills. The very next football captain of their highschool right after George reeves. They don't say anything about the Bataan squardron he flew. If you don't believe me, i show some other shit.
View attachment 3958051
So if that isn't bad enough. Dude came home under 100lb's. had to spend a whole year in the VA for hella bad TB. I have all 3 of his stamp collection books.

The guy went on to serve 2 yrs in the Korean. Spent the rest of his life delivering mail.
I grew up with him right down the street from me. Such a cool man. God dam. Sorry for the rant
Yeah my grampa faught at normandy but he was an abusive racist asshole. I respect his service but he was a shitty excuse for a human being.


Well-Known Member
Took the dogs outside to relieve themselves, then went to walmart. The robot vacuum cleaner was going when I left so I thought I would come home to a clean house.
One of the dogs took a shit shortly after I left. The robot vacuum actually picked up most of the dog shit, but there are a couple of spots that need the be cleaned.
So now I get to break out the carpet cleaner and a swiffer for the tile. When that's done, I get to disassemble the robot vacuum and do some serious cleaning with a roll of paper towels, lots of Q-tips, and a quart of rubbing alcohol.
View attachment 3957590
View attachment 3957591
Lol....the wife just said she was thinking about getting one of these for the family room.....so I shared this post with her and we proceeded to laugh so hard we cried.....little Inda was looking at us like we were crazy..lol....Oh fuck, I haven't laughed that hard in a while ....it was funny yesterday, but I guess mommas laughter was contagious....it only got funnier as I attempted to explain what a neat and tidy guy you are...:bigjoint:

You win the internet today
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Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Lol....the wife just said she was thinking about getting one of these for the family room.....so I shared this post with her and we proceeded to laugh so hard we cried.....little Inda was looking at us like we were crazy..lol....Oh fuck, I haven't laughed that hard in a while Tang.....it was funny yesterday, but I guess mommas laughter was contagious....it only got funnier as I attempted to explain what a neat and tidy guy you are...:bigjoint:

You win the internet today Tang
And this is the second fucking time! Our first robot vacuum died shortly after an encounter with dog shit. I don't think it was related, but ya never know....
I would pay an extra $100 for a "sniffer" feature that avoids feces.
I'm totally serious.
Spent too much "quality time" with dog shit, up close & personal.


Well-Known Member
Yeah my grampa faught at normandy but he was an abusive racist asshole. I respect his service but he was a shitty excuse for a human being.
Yeah. Cool thing was my grandpa was not racist either.

Now, his brother oh fuck!

That dude was infantry, killed a jap, took his katana. Had it sent home where he had it up on the wall for as long as i remember him.But you know what? I don't think he was racist against blacks, Jews, native Americans. In fact i know he wasn't. But the guy sure did brag about killing that Japanese fellar. :-(


Well-Known Member
My dad wouldnt stand up for his son, i told him i give up and i wont be calling anymore. My familys dead to me. I give up im done trying i nothing to live for. I believe in God but im starting to believe he doesnt give a fuck. He didt die for me he died for his ego and so he wouldnt he found to be a lier. Im done fuck it...