
post up what you think is obstruction from the docs. what else ya got to do.

asking everyone to leave the room so you can pressure the director of the FBI to not investigate the compromised foreign agent you knowingly hired.

remember when you lost your mind because bill clinton rode in a plane with loretta lynch?

this is a thousand times worse. but you are a racist neo-nazi two-face, so there's that.
Obama should have fired this dumbass before he crawled away! Now he's a hero for some? Don't the libs blame the whole disastrous loss on Comey and Russia? You can still cry about what ever you want without parading him around. You don't need this bonehead to play the games you're play. I'd have more respect for the libs if they at least didn't flip flop on comeys competency.
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Obama should have fired this dumbass before he crawled away! Now he's a hero for some? Don't the libs blame the whole disastrous loss on Comey and Russia? You can still cry about what ever you want without parading him around. You don't need this bonehead to play the games you're play. I'd have more respect for the libs if they at least didn't flip flop on comeys competency.
Is have more respect for Trump-tards if they weren't so retarded.

Comey made one bad choice in an attempt to seem "unbiased", he didn't drop investigations at the bequest of the President.
asking everyone to leave the room so you can pressure the director of the FBI to not investigate the compromised foreign agent you knowingly hired.

remember when you lost your mind because bill clinton rode in a plane with loretta lynch?

this is a thousand times worse. but you are a racist neo-nazi two-face, so there's that.

He didn't ride in Lynches plane. He was a creeper and stalked her plane while it sat to talk about the grandkids and golf:lol:
The reality: unless the orange fucker wakes up drooling and takes a shit in the Oval Office and starts finger painting with feces..were stuck with and even then I have to question.

This is so bad, being handled so poorly, I shudder to think of changes he's making that will become irreversible.

We're already being changed right before our eyes..helpless to do anything.
The reality: unless the orange fucker wakes up drooling and takes a shit in the Oval Office and starts finger painting with feces..were stuck with and even then I have to question.

This is so bad, being handled so poorly, I shudder to think of changes he's making that will become irreversible.

We're already being changed right before our eyes..helpless to do anything.

We somehow (barely) survived Dick Cheney and then started to thrive again. We'll survive and then thrive again after the orange retard is tossed out (and that is inevitable at this point).
post up what you think is obstruction from the docs. what else ya got to do.


From an HR standpoint, the criteria is there for harassment in the workplace just to start..holding someone's job over their head to leverage a desired outcome?

In the real world, it's known as 'thug life'..all three Trump men look like combination Russian Oli/Dracula with their slicked back hair. What a joke.

Now you know how a woman feels..harrassment happens in the workplace all the time with all different circumstances, some you haven't even thought of. Everyone keeps asking..why?.. why? now you can understand why WE DO NOT REPORT.

This 6'8" MAN was so disturbed by Trump he immediately kept notes after very first meeting. Let that sink in for a second.

Every man should be able to experience it once similar to carrying a baby doll experiment around in high school. Just fucking once.

Donald Trump isn't the only one who thinks he can grab women by their pussy's..
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