I'm picking up a little sarcasm but I will take that as just a yes. thanks for answering.yeah, I own it.
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is this the part where you punch her in the face now to prove how manly of a nazi you are?I'm picking up a little sarcasm but I will take that as just a yes. thanks for answering.
Back to topicI'm picking up a little sarcasm but I will take that as just a yes. thanks for answering.
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Why do some have problems with people of different color. You yourself are against civil rights.
Do you think human interactions are better if all the parties to the interaction are there on a consenting basis or are you okay if one party (who seeks to disengage) is forced to engage against their will ?
I bet you don't answer my question Poopy Pants.
You look hard to find reasons to rationalize your racist dark side.
What a fucking brain waste.
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Why do some have problems with people of different color. You yourself are against civil rights.
Actually, no. I don't like racists and find their rationale silly and frustrating.
Then again, I think people who eat to the point of severe obesity are doing it wrong too. In neither case, the racist or the obese person, do I have any right to tell them how to control their own body or their own property though.
What about pedophiles? Do you not have a moral obligation to tell them they are wrong?
I know you're dying to talk about kiddie diddling, but I'm afraid we don't share the same enthusiasm for the topic.
I'm sorry.
What do you know about morality? Don't you endorse the use of offensive force on a systemic basis ?
You're morally corrupt, there is nothing wrong with calling others on their predatory behavior, chester
If I'm morally corrupt why do I endorse voluntary, peaceful and consensual human interactions and you often embrace the opposite ?
There is nothing peaceful about victimizing children, chester. I believe we have a moral obligation to intervene in such actions, don't you?
If you believe that why do you vote for Politicians, knowing full well their choices will KILL innocent children?
If you believe that why do you vote for Politicians, knowing full well their choices will KILL innocent children?
Sure . Now explain to me again why a racist store owner should have the right to not serve someone of the black, brown or purple color? Open to the public means just that, but your ass and @twostrokenut would die to defend that racist piece of shit.Your post makes an assumptive error. It conflates any person who might have a problem with aspects of "civil rights" as also being a person who has problems with people of color. That's a little disingenuous.
Shit he sent his kids to fucking public school. Now he bitches about property tax.How many kids did you save by not voting?
How many kids have been saved by concerned sumaritans?
Sure . Now explain to me again why a racist store owner should have the right to not serve someone of the black, brown or purple color? Open to the public means just that, but your ass and @twostrokenut would die to defend that racist piece of shit.
and please don't ask me what is property and who owns it.