Why do some have problems with people of different color

Why do some hate based on color of skin

  • fear of the unknown

    Votes: 22 48.9%
  • Jealousy

    Votes: 7 15.6%
  • taught

    Votes: 23 51.1%
  • confusion

    Votes: 8 17.8%
  • small penis

    Votes: 25 55.6%

  • Total voters
So, you had an argument with a person on another forum and believe that person was me? It wasn't.

Anyhow, your insults are amusing, but fail to refute the obvious. IT is painfully obvious that you at least on some level, endorse the use of force to create a human interaction between people, one of whom, would prefer to be left alone. I'm not sure there is a justification for that kind of rapist behavior.

Perhaps you could offer your justification and we would focus on your argument? Or are you afraid to exchange ideas ?

I love exchanging ideas but there must be some degree of critical thinking skills on the other side to make it enjoyable. You don't measure up, skidmark.

Nope. You were there too, dumdum. Find them.


Your appeal to sensationalism doesn't go to refuting my argument that you endorse person(s) A being able to force person(s) B into a nonconsensual human interaction.

I think that means you are unable to refute that you embrace rapist tactics to get the results you'd like.

I'm glad we seem to agree that racists are dipshits. Would you agree that people who force others into nonconsensual human interactions are dipshits too?
Asked?..you mean some PMs were swapped and you're all raging..how many of you are black AND voted?

You see where we're going here?

Hence, the thread about black populace not voting complete with citations.

But it's me..not you.:wall:
You are on the border as being classified as a purebred idiot. @twostrokenut requested that I start a thread about this very topic. It was done in an open thread not PM. Now please STFU and only talk when you know WTF you are talking about.

You blame black people for trump, which is stupid and ridiculous. This thread is design to find out why some people have a problem with people who are different, but being that you were raised by racist bigots, you have zero problems with treating people different based on color and name...in short you are part of the damn problem
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You are on the border as being classified as a purebred idiot. @twostrokenut requested that I start a thread about this very topic. It was done in an open thread not PM. Now please STFU and only talk when you know WTF you are talking about.

You blame black people for trump, which is stupid and ridiculous. This thread is design to find out why some people have a problem with people who are different, but being that you were raised by racist bigots, you have zero problems with treating people different based on color and name...in short you are part of the damn problem

First of all..YOU don't tell ME what to do..it's not whitey's fault for everything YOU.

Put on your thinking cap..by sitting your asses home and encouraging same within your community, YOU assisted in takedown of OUR government.

the lack of black vote assisted in getting Trump elected..so much so, it was HISTORICAL with citations provided.

When it came down to it..I did the responsible thing and voted for someone who was running with possibility of winning.

Did you?
First of all..YOU don't tell ME what to do..it's not whitey's fault for everything YOU.

Put on your thinking cap..by sitting your asses home and encouraging same within your community, YOU assisted in takedown of OUR government.

the lack of black vote assisted in getting Trump elected..so much so, it was HISTORICAL with citations provided.

When it came down to it..I did the responsible thing and voted for someone who was running with possibility of winning.

Did you?

Hey, I've got a serious question. Am I missing the posts where you took responsibility by not voting in the primaries? My apologies if I missed that.
First of all..YOU don't tell ME what to do..it's not whitey's fault for everything YOU.

Put on your thinking cap..by sitting your asses home and encouraging same within your community, YOU assisted in takedown of OUR government.

the lack of black vote assisted in getting Trump elected..so much so, it was HISTORICAL with citations provided.

When it came down to it..I did the responsible thing and voted for someone who was running with possibility of winning.

Did you?
First off I'm not the type to sit around and blame "whitey".
I do blame idiots like yourself who discriminate based on name and color.
You spent a year preaching how wonderful and great Bernie Sanders was. In fact you put negative energy in the air against Clinton because of your love for Bernie. Your stupidity assisted in your failure to even cast ONE SINGLE VOTE FOR BERNIE. Why did you not cast your vote for the man you believed in ? Stupidity.

Now back to the thread questions Why do some people ( like yourself ) have problems with people of different colors
Your appeal to sensationalism doesn't go to refuting my argument that you endorse person(s) A being able to force person(s) B into a nonconsensual human interaction.

I think that means you are unable to refute that you embrace rapist tactics to get the results you'd like.

I'm glad we seem to agree that racists are dipshits. Would you agree that people who force others into nonconsensual human interactions are dipshits too?
we're literally talking about civil rights and you are trying to pretend that you are not a segregationist.


Today's racists are so cowardly. They always have been, of course, but the modern racist is pathetically so. They'd rather blow those cowardly dog whistles than own their own racism. It started with "Welfare Queens" ™ during dirtbag reagan's admin. By the time that dog whistle was exposed and easily understood for what it was, new ones had sprung up. The vocabulary has been refined and expanded over the years. Last year's dog whistle MVP was, "All Lives Matter" ™.

Why do racists go to all this trouble to hide their true feelings? The modern racist = snowflake.
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Today's racists are so cowardly. They always have been, of course, but the modern racist is pathetically so. They'd rather blow those cowardly dog whistles than own their own racism. It started with "Welfare Moms" ™ during dirtbag reagan's admin. By the time that dog whistle was exposed and easily understood for what it was, new ones had sprung up. The vocabulary has been refined and expanded over the years. Last year's dog whistle MVP was, "All Lives Matter" ™.

Why do racists go to all this trouble to hide their true feelings? The modern racist = snowflake.

It's 'welfare queen'.
Yes. I could vote for any third party individual of my choosing.
pathetic.. You can't even answer the question. Here it is again...maybe you can try again.

Hey, I've got a serious question. Am I missing the posts where you took responsibility by not voting in the primaries? My apologies if I missed that.
He asked if you took responsibility for not voting for Bernie. Explain how the hell you didn't cast a vote for the very man you put on a pedestal.
pathetic.. You can't even answer the question. Here it is again...maybe you can try again.

He asked if you took responsibility for not voting for Bernie. Explain how the hell you didn't cast a vote for the very man you put on a pedestal.


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I love exchanging ideas but there must be some degree of critical thinking skills on the other side to make it enjoyable. You don't measure up, skidmark.


Your meme iss actually no joke..it's true.

35,000 more to hire..relaxing fitness and polygraph requirements.
Yes. I could vote for any third party individual of my choosing.

I actully was asking if you have owned helping Bernie not receive the Democratic nomination, the one he was after.

what you're taking about is like when deez nuts actually ran for president, seemed to do better than Bernie actually.

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