What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Well my little guy graduated K today ......can't believe how fast they grow.

All straight A's on his last 3 reports ....the first one had to B's. I'm super proud of him and he would have had perfect attendance if it wasn't for his recent stomach bug that made him miss his last field trip.

Super proud of my boy.......now we can go fishin and ride go karts since he's off for the summer......that's an extra 45 minutes of sleep for me in the morning not having to get him up and take him to school........:grin:


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3956048
Well my little guy graduated K today ......can't believe how fast they grow.

All straight A's on his last 3 reports ....the first one had to B's. I'm super proud of him and he would have had perfect attendance if it wasn't for his recent stomach bug that made him miss his last field trip.

Super proud of my boy.......now we can go fishin and ride go karts since he's off for the summer......that's an extra 45 minutes of sleep for me in the morning not having to get him up and take him to school........:grin:
More sleep time plus more play time; win/win


Well-Known Member
so jesus at the repair shop could not fix it. rebuilt the carb, same problem, says it needs a new carb.

so i call up the home depot i bought it from. good ol' ralph says i can bring it in and they'll diagnose it for $18.95. i tell ralph we're past the diagnosis phase, yet he remains stoic in his offer to diagnose it.

thanks, ralph. you're no jesus.

so i try to call up powermate. well, powermate doesn't exist anymore. they give me the number to some shell company that bought out their tiller division.

so i call up randall. randall asks if i ran seafoam through it. this guy is clearly no jesus either. i explain to him that not only did i seafoam it, change the plug, and try both gas mixtures (manual suggests 40:1, sticker on the tiller itself says 50:1), i also brought it into a shop and had jesus rebuild the carb.

randall says rebuilding the carb doesn't work, you need to buy a new one. so i ask to buy a new one. that's a no-go, says randall, since powermate doesn't exist anymore. thanks, randall.

so i do what any red-blooded american consumer would do, i call up home depot's national line. claire was so sweet, but had no idea how engines work. she suggests i "google it" and look for a "universal carb". oh, claire. you sweet dumb bitch. i explain the technical difficulties behind googling the chinese factory that made the carburetor for a now-defunct company.

so claire does what any red-blooded american female would do, she asks for the manager. the store manager of the store i bought it from.

it turns out to be kenny. FUCK YOU KENNY, i think to myself.

kenny tells me to come on in and he'll just give me a new tiller since powermate went under.


so tomorrow i'm gonna go get a new tiller.


Well-Known Member
so jesus at the repair shop could not fix it. rebuilt the carb, same problem, says it needs a new carb.

so i call up the home depot i bought it from. good ol' ralph says i can bring it in and they'll diagnose it for $18.95. i tell ralph we're past the diagnosis phase, yet he remains stoic in his offer to diagnose it.

thanks, ralph. you're no jesus.

so i try to call up powermate. well, powermate doesn't exist anymore. they give me the number to some shell company that bought out their tiller division.

so i call up randall. randall asks if i ran seafoam through it. this guy is clearly no jesus either. i explain to him that not only did i seafoam it, change the plug, and try both gas mixtures (manual suggests 40:1, sticker on the tiller itself says 50:1), i also brought it into a shop and had jesus rebuild the carb.

randall says rebuilding the carb doesn't work, you need to buy a new one. so i ask to buy a new one. that's a no-go, says randall, since powermate doesn't exist anymore. thanks, randall.

so i do what any red-blooded american consumer would do, i call up home depot's national line. claire was so sweet, but had no idea how engines work. she suggests i "google it" and look for a "universal carb". oh, claire. you sweet dumb bitch. i explain the technical difficulties behind googling the chinese factory that made the carburetor for a now-defunct company.

so claire does what any red-blooded american female would do, she asks for the manager. the store manager of the store i bought it from.

it turns out to be kenny. FUCK YOU KENNY, i think to myself.

kenny tells me to come on in and he'll just give me a new tiller since powermate went under.


so tomorrow i'm gonna go get a new tiller.
Kenny is code for diddler.so this story fits

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
so jesus at the repair shop could not fix it. rebuilt the carb, same problem, says it needs a new carb.

so i call up the home depot i bought it from. good ol' ralph says i can bring it in and they'll diagnose it for $18.95. i tell ralph we're past the diagnosis phase, yet he remains stoic in his offer to diagnose it.

thanks, ralph. you're no jesus.

so i try to call up powermate. well, powermate doesn't exist anymore. they give me the number to some shell company that bought out their tiller division.

so i call up randall. randall asks if i ran seafoam through it. this guy is clearly no jesus either. i explain to him that not only did i seafoam it, change the plug, and try both gas mixtures (manual suggests 40:1, sticker on the tiller itself says 50:1), i also brought it into a shop and had jesus rebuild the carb.

randall says rebuilding the carb doesn't work, you need to buy a new one. so i ask to buy a new one. that's a no-go, says randall, since powermate doesn't exist anymore. thanks, randall.

so i do what any red-blooded american consumer would do, i call up home depot's national line. claire was so sweet, but had no idea how engines work. she suggests i "google it" and look for a "universal carb". oh, claire. you sweet dumb bitch. i explain the technical difficulties behind googling the chinese factory that made the carburetor for a now-defunct company.

so claire does what any red-blooded american female would do, she asks for the manager. the store manager of the store i bought it from.

it turns out to be kenny. FUCK YOU KENNY, i think to myself.

kenny tells me to come on in and he'll just give me a new tiller since powermate went under.


so tomorrow i'm gonna go get a new tiller.
Check CraigsList.
I hired a local guy to till my garden for $30 -- and I didn't have to lift a finger.