russet mites


Active Member
:depressed: I need help!
Taco leaves and new pistols turning red and dying
Could it be just the heat? and low RH?
I spray them down with water everyday to cool them.
I dont feed much at all...but, I did feed them lightly(i think) last week
They are still praying everyday..and look fine at 1st glance
But, zoom in and you can see the hairs dying.



Well, if you are a growing lover as well , through this link will help you out.
srry, I see they're outside now.
shit, do you have a good scope to positively identify a pest?
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Looks like it could be russets. Get a scope 60x minimum and check.

Get on it right away. You should be scoping your plants routinely even when there's no visible problems. If it is russet mites, and you're in flower, you're phuked. Predator mites will help there most when infestations are caught early.
Get visual confirmation of russet mites and I have the answer- but it won't work to save your plants in bloom.
:depressed: I need help!
Taco leaves and new pistols turning red and dying
Could it be just the heat? and low RH?


Well, if you are a growing lover as well , through this link will help you out.

They give you NO nm bands for those lights......Without listing the spectrum by listing the Nanometer bandwidth of the LEDs. I suspect BS on the UV claim! Most likely are short of the UVB bands as usual.
Only complete eradication is Avid, then, Judo, then Pylon. In that order. Period. Unless you do a straight HAZMAT style eradication with chemicals, possibly ammonia products, and a drain on the floor, trust me. NONE of that homemade remedy organic bullshit will ever work. Don't believe me? Go ahead and try it. It's sad, but true. Those russet mites, or broad mites as most commonly referred, are nearly invisible, and need to be dealt with asap. Most gardeners won't know they have them until their plants show the symptoms. Yellow, curled, stunted leaves at the top of the plant are the most common and most vulnerable.
Only complete eradication is Avid, then, Judo, then Pylon. In that order. Period. Unless you do a straight HAZMAT style eradication with chemicals, possibly ammonia products, and a drain on the floor, trust me. NONE of that homemade remedy organic bullshit will ever work. Don't believe me? Go ahead and try it. It's sad, but true. Those russet mites, or broad mites as most commonly referred, are nearly invisible, and need to be dealt with asap. Most gardeners won't know they have them until their plants show the symptoms. Yellow, curled, stunted leaves at the top of the plant are the most common and most vulnerable.

Forbid 4F has worked very well also.

The rest - Your 100% correct!