Well I based my decision on multiple factors.
After 5 days it was possibly ready, figured the cooler basement was slowing the drying. I read several threads that talk about it just starting to
crisp a bit on the tips was optimal, so I went with that. It is somewhat of a judgement call on when exactly is best, but so far I trust my judgement and the great advice here on RIU. I have bought a few elbows that were not hung properly and there was mold inside the bag. Yuck, smells and tastes like wet rotting hay (errr, what I suppose it would be like

I think I went a day early since it smelled nicer when it was hanging. Going to go a little longer hanging time on the bottom part to see if it will make a difference. Thanks again for all your help and advice. I will be starting a new grow thread with my newly sprouted seeds.