Dear Black Voter..

seems a little Aggressive
and maybe THREATENING???

I am on notice because I disavow anyone whom judges people by the color of skin/ethneticity/religious beliefs/sexual orientation...etc??
I disagree with anyone whom has hate in their heart!!

which I am guessing you have extreme hate in your heart?
Every human being should be treated with equal respect and kindness......
Judge people only by their actions

Truth Hurts....

I have been trying to figure out why you continually spew ignorance and vulgarity towards people on a cannabis message board
constantly talking down to individuals
do you believe that you are superior to others?
Makes no sense

you are what gives Cannabis growers a bad name
you are the very reason why our community is looked down upon

because you are ignorant
or maybe your programming is faulty
short circuiting?

or maybe you are the product of Facist/Socialist propaganda "everyone is equal unless you disagree with me" mindset

with your comments of racism and vulgarity
consistantly calling people names
I believe you are intellectually inferior to this entire forum


and to reiterate my belief in the phrase Anti-Semite
I am repulsed by the fact that society keeps alive the very atrocities the National Socialist Party did to millions of people because of their ethneticity/religious beliefs

those acts were some of the most evil in human history and will never be forgotten
but consistently using a phrase coined by the very party that committed those unthinkable acts is disgusting
and using your faith/race as a crutch to villify people who may disagree with your political/life viewpoints as either racist or anti-semitic is morally ambiguous at best

you dont know me
you dont know my beliefs
you dont know my background
you dont know my knowledge

but according to you I am a Retard


Also: Congrats -- you've won the coveted 'Meltdown of the Week' Award with that last wall of whiny blather!

were you aware that the KKK supports republican candidates like rand paul?

rand paul's dad even had his own section on stormfront for a while.
I dont support any candidate....
All of them are corrupt

the only reason I ever brought up Paul was he is literally the only person who was in any race who actually subscribed to giving power back to the states and abolishing the Drug Schedule
Bernie........actually voted for mandatory minimums during Bills run
he also voted for the Iraq war during Baby Bush

I just dont see a clear light at the end of the tunnel unless states are given back power
in that case each state can commerce with each other but live within our own regulations and laws as long as we each uphold the constitution
and the constitution can only be changed if we the people actually vote on it

not lobbyists and bankers

it would be like 50 mini countries tied together by the constitution
and the federal government can only step in if the constitution is violated
we as a society need to be able to govern our selves
I dont think we really need a police state

bu that is just me
except for rand paul, whose family is famously popular on the neo-nazi website stormfront.
Like I said I dont support any candidate

all of them are currupt

whom do you support?

someone backed by Soros?
Famous brown shirt with a God Complex
I asked a out him as he is the only one whom backs legalized cannabis
no he doesn't.
then whom might I ask does?
Maybe Jill Stein....but it isnt like she even has a chance

the reality is we as a citizenry need to take the reigns and change the laws that we want changed

we need to stop relying on Mommy/Daddy GOV
we need to start at the local levels and work our way up
until us citizens regain control of this country

I dont believe anyone in polotics today is the answer
then whom might I ask does?
Maybe Jill Stein....but it isnt like she even has a chance

the reality is we as a citizenry need to take the reigns and change the laws that we want changed

we need to stop relying on Mommy/Daddy GOV
we need to start at the local levels and work our way up
until us citizens regain control of this country

I dont believe anyone in polotics today is the answer

Try and keep calm, your ingrained racism and fear or vagina obviously has you deeply distressed.