Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

Yes it does, I don't like Trump because of Sessions but that's not what the thread is about it is about impeachment. Hillary Clinton was all about schedule 2 I doubt she would be better. I voted for Johnson.

1. Why do you keep bringing Hillary into this??.it's a nonissue.
2. Well, we'll never know if she would surpass your doubts, will we?
3. This is about TRUMP!
1. It's been 4 months.
2. The FBI is not going to release evidence until they start prosecution which starts with subpoena's. I believe that is in progress.
3. Thank you for the offer, but I don't need to see more anonymous.
1. The election was in November 7 months ago and before that they were even investigating the DNC leaks.

2. The FBI has nothing concrete.

3. Too late but you should watch it Trump is completely full of shit and he loves Hillary Clinton thinks she is a great politician.

4. This is a smoke screen while they take more of our freedoms!!!!
1. Why do you keep bringing Hillary into this??.it's a nonissue.
2. Well, we'll never know if she would surpass your doubts, will we?
3. This is about TRUMP!
1. Hillary Clinton is important Trump was pro Hillary Clinton up until he ran for president!

2. Trump is Hillary Clinton!

3. This is about tyranny!
1. The election was in November 7 months ago and before that they were even investigating the DNC leaks.

2. The FBI has nothing concrete.

3. Too late but you should watch it Trump is completely full of shit and he loves Hillary Clinton thinks she is a great politician.

4. This is a smoke screen while they take more of our freedoms!!!!

1. Trump didn't begin his presidency until January so that's where the clock starts.
2. Citation?..prove they have nothing.
3. Trump has dementia and it's progressing quickly.
4. Who are 'they'?



You DO realize Jared is running the US, don't you?

He IS the president.

No one has a more money laundering footprint, than Kushner's.

Checking into his background, he's more icky than Trump, if that's even truth that can be traced, is his lying to get security clearance..on that alone, he should be pulled from West Wing.
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1. Trump didn't begin his presidency until January so that's where the clock starts.
2. Citation?..prove they have nothing.
3. Trump has dementia and it's progressing quickly.
4. Who are 'they'?
1. The investigation started with the DNC leaks.

2. Prove they have anything.

3. Dementia my ass he is doing exactly as he is told.

4. The shadow government JFK spoke of before the assassination, the Military Industrial Complex I believe it was Carter who warned us about. Most likely goes all the way up to the UN.
Marijuana is outlawed by UN treaty the feds can't do a damn thing until the UN treaty is abolished even though the treaty is treasonous as fuck!!
When they prohibited alcohol they needed a Constitutional Amendment The Volstead Act!!

Nothing on opium, marijuana, coca, etc. I might like coca leaves it's perfectly legal in Peru to chew them and they are hard workers meanwhile some teen overdosed and died on caffeinated beverages just 3 drinks combined I believe it was.

Opium was made illegal because the opium smoking Chinese would work twice as hard as a white man for less pay. :)

Marijuana/hemp because it makes negros and Mexicans rape white women. :) So much for Tomas Jefferson prefering a pipe of hemp over tobacco. Trump even used Mexican rapist fear in his campaign but he did backtrack a little.

The war on drugs is TREASON!!! in the highest form! As is prohibition on gambling and prostitution.
Shut the fuck up, pedophile.

If there was nothing damning then Trump would just declassify everything rather than be mired in scandal. Retard