MAGA The ani-anifa therad.

Antifa has been around a while, they operate in a number of country's. They say they're antifascist yet they disagree with others beliefs and opinions. You can look all that bullshit up for yourselves. I just want to say congrats to POL you guys are the best. If you haven't heard, pol over at ahem.chan found the bike lock attacker with X-RAY.
What's a therad?

What's a "ani-anifa"

Are you proud of being a white man?
Bike lock professor arrested! Good work /pol/

“His work in political philosophy … centers on mass incarceration and the prison system,” his Diablo Valley faculty page entry read, though it has since been taken down. “He is currently exploring restorative justice from an anti-authoritarian perspective.” According to his brief DVC bio, he taught an intro philosophy course that included instruction in “ethics, critical thinking, and comparative philosophy.” Clanton listed “ethics and politics” as his main research interests.
