Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

But you're a fucking race changing liar.

I fucking guarantee you're white trash.

guaranfuckingteed white trash.

And you go on kiddie porn sites.
You're a fucking nonstop 24-7 troll lying racist and everybody including your friends know it.

Kiddie porn motherfucker.
I don't look at kiddie porn motherfucker signatures.

Kiddie porn motherfucker.
I'm crushed.

kiddie porn motherfucker.
Stupid, perverted, lying racist white trash who goes on kiddie porn sites.

That's a fabulous resume you have.


lol pretendgerine dude are you ok? you must be off your meds def beat your dog ,penis,and i wrong to say you prob ran out of shwag and have been on a meth bender all night?

calm down,you're getting emotional again