Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

OK, you are right in that the site can set it's own rules and even break them when the people running it want to. Of course, people are also free to visit wherever they want so their actions could end up costing ad money.

If they start allowing you to post your kiddy diddler porn, I won't come back. So, post away pervert.
Yeah, it would be really bad if they allowed an admitted child molester to post alone I doubt they would allow that. Of course my actual post was anti child molester Buck just twisted my words because he was very butt hurt.
no just rabblerousing lol.but its legit unless you can prove she was just out for a walk :eyesmoke:
our bet is already shaking some people's perceptions. this is an interesting experiment. lol

That photo of Trump at the wall? He was chipping a piece off to give to Barron. Isn't that just adorable?
Yeah, it would be really bad if they allowed an admitted child molester to post alone I doubt they would allow that. Of course my actual post was anti child molester Buck just twisted my words because he was very butt hurt.

you've admitted to visiting child pornography websites, so that's basically you admitting you are a child molester.
Yeah, it would be really bad if they allowed an admitted child molester to post alone I doubt they would allow that. Of course my actual post was anti child molester Buck just twisted my words because he was very butt hurt.
I recognize fake news when I see it.
i'm not. i'm asking you why you fantasize about me having gay man sex. why do you do that?
um i dont ? when you talk about these things all day and repeatedly say retard to everyone i begin to wonder what your actually doing while you talk to bored now and really high,sweet dreams after the meth wears off uncle buck.:peace:
you've admitted to visiting child pornography websites, so that's basically you admitting you are a child molester.
I did not can you proof I admitted? I followed your signature and it turns out I didn't mistakenly say a bunch of links I said like two links on a site full of links to darknet sites.
I did not can you proof I admitted? I followed your signature and it turns out I didn't mistakenly say a bunch of links I said like two links on a site full of links to darknet sites.

you just admitted again that you were on a website that features child pornography. i don't care how many child pornography links are on the websites you visit. one link to child pornography is one too many, you fucking kiddy diddler.
I did not can you proof I admitted? I followed your signature and it turns out I didn't mistakenly say a bunch of links I said like two links on a site full of links to darknet sites.
one, two or many links found. You looked for and found kiddy sites. yuck
I recognize fake news when I see it.
Me too that's why I asked if Trump was really putting an end to illegal wiretapping. I didn't really believe it but you saying something really good about Trump made me wonder if it was true.

I watched Alex Jones a while ago until I realized 50% or so is fake news but sometimes it's entertaining.
you just admitted again that you were on a website that features child pornography. i don't care how many child pornography links are on the websites you visit. one link to child pornography is one too many, you fucking kiddy diddler.
Lol, that's not admitting to clicking on the child porn look up Hidden Wiki their must be 100 darknet sites probably more because I haven't been to that site in several years but I only seen two links to child porn out of 100 or so links. Now I know much better ways to find the darknet market sites but I like shrooms best and they are very easy to grow a year supply in Monotubs and only takes about a month.
no you didn't, you took it as fact. you got trolled and were too dumb to even realize it.
Well I know I was trolled but he made me laugh that's why he got a like. If you troll me so good I laugh you will get a like my wife even asked why I was laughing because I literally laughed out loud. :)