Well-Known Member
obvious lie is obvious.
You haven't necked yourself yet? That sucks.
obvious lie is obvious.
took ya two tries to quote a post.
fucking incompetent white people.
You haven't necked yourself yet? That sucks.
he's never lived in the South
you've never lived in the Deep South
It's time for the South to stop glorifying their fight to be able to continue to enslave other human beings.
I heard a lot of stupid shit come out of white people's mouths when I lived in the South, such as, "I'm not prejudiced against any individual black person, but I am against the race as a whole". WTF does that even mean? The person who said it couldn't give a coherent explanation, either.
Ah so you're claiming not to be racist, but ageism is just fine?Don't forget that for every one of your American experiences there are 350 million more....I'm from the Deep South and when I moved away was when I saw real serious racism. Turns out the more homogeneous the population is the more openly racist it is.
So places like you live now, mostly white is where I hear N bombs the most, and see little rebel flag stickers on more cars.
Of course I'm a bit younger than you are and these are my experiences at present, and yours could be from actual Jim Crow times.
Ah so you're claiming not to be racist, but ageism is just fine?
You're a cuck, a crack head and a hypocrite all rolled up into one stinking turd.
I live in a city with a major university and the young people I meet are exactly the opposite of the way you describe, in store of the fact that this is a fairly homogenous town, racially speaking.
But you're stupid and live in a trailer park and racial tolerance has been shown to positively correlate with both education and economic status. Therefore I'm not surprised at your backwardness.
I don't think it should be assumed that because there are statues of our nations history that that automatically means the current state approves of them. Slavery, of course we don't approve of it. We've stated that loud and clear in the 13th amendment. That is the state officially disavowing slavery as an abhorrent practice.No it isn't. The statues can still be seen, but they no longer carry the weight of state approval.
I have lived in the south. I lived in Missouri and in Arkansas. I also spent some time in TexasYou're on the wrong side of this one. I understand your point of view but you've never lived in the Deep South and therefore you likely do not understand the implications of honoring the Confederacy in the face of endemic and ongoing personal AND state sponsored racism.
I disagree. I think the icons of white supremacy should be shown publicly as most of them are today. I want kids and teenagers to look upon them and see how foolish the past generations were. I want them to use those icons as a learning experience to always strive for something better and more meaningful. Just like I think kids should be taught about the Bible, so they can understand how batshit insane it is.Removing those icons of white supremacy from public places of honor was absolutely the right thing to do, and long overdue.
Its censorship in that it is being withheld from the public. That is censorship. Imagine you confined all of Hitler's atrocities to a museum, would you still feel the same way? "Hey, if you want to learn about how terrible Hitler was, just go to this museum and see for yourself". To me, that wouldn't be nearly enough. That would almost seem like the atrocities are trying to be withheld from me.. This shit should be on full display for everyone to see at all times.Those who wish to see them can still do so; they are not being destroyed, nor are they being hidden from anyone who wants to visit their new home in the museum. Therefore, no censorship.
Deny your gaffes all you want, we already know of your predilection for prejudice.Yet the demographics for your city say all white.
Ageism didn't happen. I compared our ages to our different experiences. I have no clue how old you are but figured this was an older experience. You gave no indication on how old your experience was so I offered it up for rational discussion.
Something you clearly just aren't capable of, demonstrated by this response of yours.
I'm loling you right now because of this. Any attempt at civility with you is an instant "stupid, crackhead, cuck, unedcuated" muh racisms.
Its really sad.
I will continue to be civil with you on here though even though you are incapable of reciprocating it. Good day sir.
I sure as fuck wouldn't want a statue of a racist displayed in a place of honor in the middle of MY city, whether he fought for people of my skin color or not. And yes, where such things are displayed absolutely matters.I don't think it should be assumed that because there are statues of our nations history that that automatically means the current state approves of them. Slavery, of course we don't approve of it. We've stated that loud and clear in the 13th amendment. That is the state officially disavowing slavery as an abhorrent practice.
I have lived in the south. I lived in Missouri and in Arkansas. I also spent some time in Texas
I just don't think removing statues or pictures or songs or, ________ progresses the actual cause the removal of these things hopes for. I think it has somewhat of an opposite effect; in that conservatives become more emboldened to protect the things they see as part of their identity. Also, what does it accomplish to remove the statue of Lee? Maybe I'm missing something..
I disagree. I think the icons of white supremacy should be shown publicly as most of them are today. I want kids and teenagers to look upon them and see how foolish the past generations were. I want them to use those icons as a learning experience to always strive for something better and more meaningful. Just like I think kids should be taught about the Bible, so they can understand how batshit insane it is.
Its censorship in that it is being withheld from the public. That is censorship. Imagine you confined all of Hitler's atrocities to a museum, would you still feel the same way? "Hey, if you want to learn about how terrible Hitler was, just go to this museum and see for yourself". To me, that wouldn't be nearly enough. That would almost seem like the atrocities are trying to be withheld from me.. This shit should be on full display for everyone to see at all times.
Well, neither would I to tell you the truth, but what I want, or what offends me is irrelevant. I don't get to dictate to the rest of society what is and isn't right on the basis of me being offended. If something offends me, I won't look at it, watch it, listen to it, etc. If some statue in some park somewhere offended me so much to the point it actually upset me, I wouldn't go near the park. I don't think I have the right to tell other people what to do on the basis of me being offended. If that were the case, nobody would be allowed to do anything because everything is offensive to someone. I think it's much easier to just avoid the park on my part.I sure as fuck wouldn't want a statue of a racist displayed in a place of honor in the middle of MY city, whether he fought for people of my skin color or not. And yes, where such things are displayed absolutely matters.
Would you feel the same way if Hitler were relegated to museums?Not censored! Still in museums and available for public viewing.
Yes I did, and I found much more agreement than some might have you believeI take back my accusation that you didn't live in the South. Did you deliberately seek out people who lived on the other side of racial, economic or class lines, like I did?
I don't think it should be assumed that because there are statues of our nations history that that automatically means the current state approves of them. Slavery, of course we don't approve of it. We've stated that loud and clear in the 13th amendment. That is the state officially disavowing slavery as an abhorrent practice.
I have lived in the south. I lived in Missouri and in Arkansas. I also spent some time in Texas
I just don't think removing statues or pictures or songs or, ________ progresses the actual cause the removal of these things hopes for. I think it has somewhat of an opposite effect; in that conservatives become more emboldened to protect the things they see as part of their identity. Also, what does it accomplish to remove the statue of Lee? Maybe I'm missing something..
I disagree. I think the icons of white supremacy should be shown publicly as most of them are today. I want kids and teenagers to look upon them and see how foolish the past generations were. I want them to use those icons as a learning experience to always strive for something better and more meaningful. Just like I think kids should be taught about the Bible, so they can understand how batshit insane it is.
Its censorship in that it is being withheld from the public. That is censorship. Imagine you confined all of Hitler's atrocities to a museum, would you still feel the same way? "Hey, if you want to learn about how terrible Hitler was, just go to this museum and see for yourself". To me, that wouldn't be nearly enough. That would almost seem like the atrocities are trying to be withheld from me.. This shit should be on full display for everyone to see at all times.
Another stupid hater.You are a judgemental Fuck face, homo. How about you keep your opinions for when you end up on the news
You are the most sensitive d-bag here. Not much of a debater. You get all mad and call people names but can't take the same fire. And we are all homo sapien, you fuckin clown bag. Respect isn't what I'm searching for on a cannabis growing forum. Fucking LOSER. You are either terribly stoned or not near stoned enough. Now,,, back to me not giving a shit bout sensitive little lady men, who cannot see the reasoning behind the revolt of the south. fyi, it wasn't about skin color or slaves. get educated, drain brainAnother stupid hater.
I'm accused of the 'horrible' non crime of growing a completely harmless plant in the privacy of my own home for the use of myself and my friends, many of whom have illnesses up to and including advanced stages of cancer. In addition, my 'crime' used advanced technology I'm testing and developing for use in the future of agriculture, to better feed people in inhospitable environments from now on.
The local prosecutor's office would hate to see my case on the news, as it would highlight the ethical, moral and even legal indefensibility of their brand of lawfare and undermine public support for their actions.
And you're on a weed forum.
And you're a homophobe who can't help but use personal attacks to stand in for your inability to debate your position on the merits, because there are no merits to it.
Double standard much?
You've just cost yourself all the respect you might have gained from the thinking members here.
Now piss off with your worthless chickenshit.
Hitler HAS been relegated to museums. An excellent example of that.Well, neither would I to tell you the truth, but what I want, or what offends me is irrelevant. I don't get to dictate to the rest of society what is and isn't right on the basis of me being offended. If something offends me, I won't look at it, watch it, listen to it, etc. If some statue in some park somewhere offended me so much to the point it actually upset me, I wouldn't go near the park. I don't think I have the right to tell other people what to do on the basis of me being offended. If that were the case, nobody would be allowed to do anything because everything is offensive to someone. I think it's much easier to just avoid the park on my part.
Would you feel the same way if Hitler were relegated to museums?
Yes I did, and I found much more agreement than some might have you believe
Deny your gaffes all you want, we already know of your predilection for prejudice.
Permanent residents are just over 80% white, which isn't representative of some ten thousand college students who aren't counted. It's a more mixed town than the numbers would have you believe.
One big reason I left to live in places like Little Rock Arkansas, Denver, San Diego and Fort Lauderdale was precisely to get out of the bubble of my city.
One thing I found was that that where I grew up was a very nice place to live compared to most places in the country. Money magazine actually once named us the number one nicest city to live in over 100k in the entire country!
Strong contributing factors include egalitarianism, strong education and cultural diversity.
None of which would register with a trailer dweller collecting pennies for a living.
Thanks for proving the absolute accuracy of my earlier assessment of your worthless and hateful brand of douchbaggery.You are the most sensitive d-bag here. Not much of a debater. You get all mad and call people names but can't take the same fire. And we are all homo sapien, you fuckin clown bag. Respect isn't what I'm searching for on a cannabis growing forum. Fucking LOSER. You are either terribly stoned or not near stoned enough. Now,,, back to me not giving a shit bout sensitive little lady men, who cannot see the reasoning behind the revolt of the south. fyi, it wasn't about skin color or slaves. get educated, drain brain
Derp. You're a know nothing who can't even use words correctly.You are the most racist piece of shit on rollitup I have witnessed. Why do you waste your day bickering with people you'll never met, talking shit you'd never be able to back up. And what fact has come across your keyboard? none. so keep getting offended. I am smoking some chill weeds, laughing, cause you must have some weak ass bud, lol, lol, dam, homo, you got mad issues
Coming from the guy who talks shit on multiple threads at once--no offense taken. You are one of the BOYs who talk like you know something, because you watched it on youtube or heard your loser friends say it. I'm from the south and racism is not what you think. If anything, the minorities are hella butthurt, like you, with how privilaged white people are, LOL. whites have no special care besides the fact law enforcement isn't terrified, therefor we get treated better in that aspect. no white celebration day, no White Panther party, no cinco de mayo....maybe XMAS, haha. but what the fuck are you even mad about? A flag that flew for the 13 Original colonies? Damn man. You are FULL of yourself. Dumb boy done drank a bottle of Overdrive.LMAODerp. You're a know nothing who can't even use words correctly.
You mad, butt boy?
Calm down. It's unhealthy to get so emotional, lil snowflake.
Derp.Coming from the guy who talks shit on multiple threads at once--no offense taken. You are one of the BOYs who talk like you know something, because you watched it on youtube or heard your loser friends say it. I'm from the south and racism is not what you think. If anything, the minorities are hella butthurt, like you, with how privilaged white people are, LOL. whites have no special care besides the fact law enforcement isn't terrified, therefor we get treated better in that aspect. no white celebration day, no White Panther party, no cinco de mayo....maybe XMAS, haha. but what the fuck are you even mad about? A flag that flew for the 13 Original colonies? Damn man. You are FULL of yourself. Dumb boy done drank a bottle of Overdrive.LMAO